WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

The WaPOR database is going global!


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands is financing another milestone for the WaPOR project.

From its current coverage of Africa and the Middle East, the database is going global! The additional funding of $4.95 million , was announced today at World Water Week in Stockholm by Ms Kitty van der Heijden, Director General International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands, and will allow for a global expansion of the database and the addition of two new partner-countries in Asia and Latin America.

This will allow more countries to be able to access open WaPOR data, making them able to monitor water and land productivity as well as perform water resources assessments, among other applications. 


This announcement was echoed by the FAO's Director General, QU Dongyu >>> here.

This news is headlining at the FAO >>> here.