WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

Virtual technical workshop on Improved Water Allocation for Agriculture in the Arab Region


On the 3rd and 4th of October, the League of Arab States held a virtual technical workshop, during which WaPOR was presented, on Improved Water Allocation for Agriculture in the Arab Region, in collaboration with the FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa (FAO-RNE) and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA).

Some of the main objectives of this technical workshop were linked to the Guidelines on Water Allocation for Agriculture, with this workshop being about promoting these guidelines and raise the awareness of stakeholders on approaches and tools to improve water allocation in support of food security in the Arab region. 

Remote sensing for water productivity and SDG – FAO WaPOR database”: the presentation on WaPOR and its use for the applications of the guidelines took place on the 4th of October, the second day of the workshop, and was followed by a discussion session between the presenter, Jippe Hoogeveen, the Chief Technical Advisor to the WaPOR project, and the participants which were from a variety of backgrounds: government officials, development partners, donors, civil society, private sector and academia.  

Head >>> here for more information on the workshop, including the concept note and the January 2022 version of the guidelines.



Photo: © FAO/Pedro Costa Gomes: 04 April 2019, Cairo Egypt - Family photo of the participants of the Joint Meeting of the Arab Water and Agriculture Ministers at the League of Arab States Headquarters, Cairo, Egypt.