WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

WaPOR-based tool co-development workshop was held in Jordan


On 19 and 20 June 2023, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) conducted a 2-days workshop in Dead Sea, Jordan. 

The "WaPOR-based tool co-development workshop" was held under the project "Monitoring land and water productivity by Remote Sensing (WaPOR phase 2)”. Seventeen participants from the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA), the Ministry of Agricultural and the National Agricultural Research Center participated.

The proposed tool will support the JVA in assessing the status and performance of the selected irrigation schemes based on WaPOR data and ground data collected by JVA. The agricultural extension department of the ministry of agriculture will use the outputs of the tool to improve water productivity at the farm level.

The goals of the workshop are as follow:

  1. Identify the stakeholders’ information needs from the irrigation performance application to support their decision-making.
  2. Co-design the application features including performance indicators by leveraging available in-situ information from the stakeholders, the WaPOR portal and available human and financial resources for O&M.
  3. Brainstorm the tool’s functionality, including user experience (UX)/user interface (UI) design, and offline vs online functionality, etc).
  4. Develop a road map for the tool co-development which includes data requirements and sharing, pilot area identification, timelines, and assigning roles and responsibilities, operation and maintenance of the tool, and training plans for co-development.