WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

WaPOR training at the 2023 edition of the Agromet School


At this year's edition of the International Advanced School in Agricultural Meteorology in Bratislava, Slovakia, Bert Coerver conducted a comprehensive day-long training session on WaPOR for approximately 25 participants from diverse backgrounds. Throughout the day, attendees were introduced to water productivity concepts and acquainted with methodologies and datasets used in WaPOR. This was achieved through a mix of presentations and hands-on exercises. 

The Agromet School focused this year on the role of Agricultural Meteorology in supporting crop production and WaPOR's presence in the agenda is fitting as it is a tool that was made for agriculture (though its possible applications are broader) that integrates meteorological data at different levels.  This third edition of the School took place over 5 days, one of which was dedicated to WaPOR and aimed to equip a purposefully small cohort of young researchers and professionals with advanced knowledge and skills in agrometeorological analysis and monitoring technologies as the evident link between agriculture and weather has been benefiting from technological advances that need to become more broadly used. 

 👈 more information about the 2023 Agromet School.