Supporting Responsible Investments in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI)

Enhancing the enabling environment for responsible investments in agriculture and food systems - project launched in Sierra Leone


In November 14 2019 FAO launched the project, “Enhancing the enabling environment for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems” in Sierra Leone. This project aims to strengthen the capacity of policy makers and key partners to create an enabling environment for responsible agricultural investments and food systems in the country. It is funded by the German Government.

The project was launched at a High Level Event that brought together over 56 State and Non-state actors including government ministries, departments and agencies; local and traditional authorities, international and local non-governmental organizations, producer organizations, development partners, the private sector and civil society organizations.

Relevance of the project to Sierra Leone’s development agenda

The acting Director of Export Promotion at the Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotions Agency (SLIEPA) Bobson Margai said that, “Agribusiness investment is a prominent theme in Sierra Leone’s Mid-Term National Development Plan 2019 – 2023, as it seeks to enhance employment, generate rural income, create wealth, sustain livelihoods, and overall contribute to industrial development”.

The Minister of State - Eastern Province, Honourable Andrew Ansu Fatorma proposed that, “We need to have a deeper look into our legal system, particularly as it relates to land in the provinces if we are to attract the much needed investment in the agriculture sector”.

The FAO Representative a.i. Dr Evans Liyosi, explained the relevance of the project to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2 which are focused on eradicating poverty and hunger.

Dr. Liyosi said, “The eradication of poverty and hunger in Sierra Leone by 2030 requires additional annual investments of USD2.5 billion, of which more than 50 percent should target the agriculture and agri-business sectors in rural areas”.

Other speakers and participants at the one day High Level Event emphasized the relevance of the project to the country’s development aspiration and the need to review key policies to ensure the proper implementation of the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems in the country.

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Sierra Leone, H.E Horst Gruner noted that land matters are of extreme importance in the country while agriculture is crucial to the country’s economy. H.E Gruner informed the gathering about the determination of Germany to strengthen its relationship with Africa. He highlighted the key priorities of the relationship between Germany and Africa, in which investment in agriculture is key to reduce poverty in Africa.

During the High Level Event, a technical presentation on Enhancing enabling environment for responsible investments in agriculture and food systems was presented by Mr. Michael Riggs –FAO’s Global Team Leader for the Responsible Agriculture Investments (RAI) portfolio. Mr. Momoh Gbessay – the National RAI Consultant for FAO Sierra Leone, presented the progress on preliminary activities and emerging outcomes of the project since when it started in February 2019.

An interactive discussion session moderated by FAO Land Tenure Officer - Dr. Samuel Mabikke generated numerous contributions and recommendations from the participants on how to make investments in agriculture more responsible for the benefit the people of Sierra Leone. FAO expert on responsible investment, Mr. Yannick Fiedler, made a substantive presentation on engaging youth in responsible agriculture. Youth employment in agriculture is particularly important for Sierra Leone given that youth represents over 60% of the entire population of the country.

Key activities of the project

The project will support activities including the strengthening of capacities to enhance the application the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) in national institutional frameworks, policies and laws, and raise awareness on the importance of RAI in the country.

The implementation of the current phase of the project will end in 2021, and is expected to increase responsible investments in agriculture and food systems in Sierra Leone, thereby contributing to food security, nutrition and sustainable development.

The high-level event was officially closed by the Assistant FAO Representative for Programmes - Mr. Joseph Brima who encouraged the participants to support the project. He emphasized the importance of the multistakeholder platforms and governance structures such as the Inter-Ministerial Task Force (IMTF) which were set up during the VGGT implementation. Such strong institutional frameworks are key for sustainability of the projects outcomes.