Apoyo a la inversión responsable en la agricultura y los sistemas alimentarios

Tunisia: Launch of the second cohort of the Agri-accelerator Hub of Béja


The successful tripartite partnership between the Agency for the Promotion of Agricultural Investment (APIA), the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Tunisia (INRAT) and FAO, continues through the launch of the second cohort of the Agri-accelerator Hub of Béja. The open day "Agro-entrepreneurship Open day" organized for young people in Beja in February 15 kicked off the launch of the 2023 edition of the Hub.

The Hub is a platform jointly established since 2021 in the governorate of Beja. It supports responsible investment projects of young agri-entrepreneurs for more efficient, sustainable and inclusive agricultural and agrifood systems. The second cohort of the Agri-accelerator Hub, federated under the slogan "Flavors and aromas to the territory", is supported by the project "Stimulate responsible investment in agriculture and food systems of young agri-entrepreneurs for the promotion of territorial development and strengthening of value chains" funded by FAO’s Flexible Voluntary Contribution.

The program integrates capacity building activities in addition to holistic coaching for identified project leaders (responsible Business Model Canvas, pitching, principles for responsible investment in agriculture, financing plan, etc.)

Young agri-entrepreneur of the region of Beja in Tunisia? This opportunity is for you!

Are you a young person (between 18 and 40 years old) managing an agricultural project in its launching phase or under development in the fields of aromatic and medicinal plants or meat of the Black race of Thibar in the region of Beja?

Do not miss the call for applications for the second cohort of the Agri-accelerator Hub of Béja until 12 March 2023. All information on the selection criteria, the support you will receive and the online application are available on this link:


Agro-entrepreneurship Open day: Return on a day of awareness based on the exchange of experiences

The launch of the second cohort was marked by the organization of a two days awareness raising event that was celebrated face-to-face and online. The first day entitled "Agro-entrepreneurship Open day" took place in the heart of the governorate of Beja on February 15. It saw the participation of more than 130 young people from the region interested in the program and potential candidates for its 2023 edition.

In addition to the introduction of the logical framework and activities of the project Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI) in Tunisia and the practicalities of the Hub, participants had the opportunity to attend technical presentations related to the relevant sectors that interested them. The presentations on the sector of aromatic and medicinal plants, and sheep breeding "Black Thibar" were delivered by local stakeholders, in particular the Regional Direction of the Office of Livestock and Pasture, the district of forests in Beja and the Office of Development Sylvo-Pastoral North West (ODSYPANO).

The event also addressed the financing mechanisms for young agricultural promoters at national and local levels through presentations by representatives of the Tunisian Solidarity Bank (BTS), the National Agricultural Bank (BNA), the Bank for Financing Small and Medium Enterprises (BFPME) and Enda Tamweel.

All the presentations of the day were commented by real testimonies of the winners of the first edition of the Hub. Their testimonies reflect the journey of young responsible agri-preneurs in Tunisia: "As a participant in the first cohort of the Hub in Beja, I learned in a very short time that the journey of an agri-entrepreneur is progressive: First you walk at small steps, then your pace accelerates and you run instead of walking, and finally when you are surrounded by the right people who believe in you, your abilities and your final product: You end up flying. This support gives you wings" explains Ines Messaoudi, a young agri-entrepreneur at the head of a farm combining olive tree growing, field crops and sheep farming.

The second awareness activity was held online on February 17, 2023 and targeted more than 40 Internet users around the theme "Setting up in agriculture: An idea? An agricultural project". Following an introductory presentation on the leveling of expectations, the steps and risks of setting up agricultural projects, participants were able to interact on the importance of adopting a responsible investment approach and the terms and conditions related to the 2023 edition of the Agri-acceletrator Hub.