Soutenir les investissements responsables dans l'agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires

FAO and Solidaridad expand their training programme to empower rural women in five new districts in Sierra Leone


The third training of trainers (ToT) workshop for women empowerment’ champions has taken place in Freetown in April 2024 under the auspices of the FAO and the NGO Solidaridad. This four-day training aimed at equipping participants with a methodology designed to empower rural women involved in agricultural activities. It focuses on promoting their participation in decision-making processes related to responsible investment in agriculture (RAI).

“Women are at the forefront when it comes to agricultural work in this country. Despite their key role, women are often disadvantaged and do not benefit from the same opportunities as men regarding agricultural activities,” said Isata Mahoi, Sierra Leone Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs, during the opening ceremony.

An innovative methodology tailored to rural women

The ToT is the centerpiece of the RAI training programme on responsible investment in agriculture. With it, the participants are equipped with knowledge, skills and a training kit that includes a Trainers’ Manual which provides a step-by-step guidance and a wide variety of training materials (illustrations, video interviews, video episodes, facilitation techniques, etc). designed for rural women in Sierra Leone, who are mostly illiterate.

Equipped with these tools, the new trainees replicate the trainings with rural women in their respective districts, becoming key enablers of the delivery of the RAI training programme in rural areas. Back-to-back with the replications, led by Solidaridad in collaboration with the trainees, a dialogue event with local authorities is held. The objective is that the women present their recommendations and discuss possible steps to improve their situation with key stakeholders in their district.

Joining forces towards a country with equal opportunities

In providing the closing remarks of the ToT, the first Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Theresa Dick stressed that “this initiative comes at the right time, especially when there are enabling policies, for example the National Land Act of 2022 contributing to increasing women’s full access and ownership of land and increased agricultural inputs.”

Indeed, Sierra Leone has taken important steps to advance gender equality, with recent legislation addressing issues such as women's access to finance, employment opportunities, equal pay, maternity leave and protection of customary land rights. However, the popularization of these new laws is still underway at the rural level and many local authorities are not aware of them.

“I joined this training because in the community where I am from women don’t have access to land or finance because they are marginalized. The men from the community deny them access to the family land, and women can’t do anything because they don’t know their rights,” explained Jaminatu Koroma, a Field Officer at the International Rescue Committee and a participant in the ToT. 

Participation in decision-making is another huge challenge for rural women that this programme addresses, especially in relation to responsible investment in agriculture. “Sometimes when there is an investment, the land is given without proper negotiation with land owners or users. Through these training, rural women along the districts will be aware that it is their right to be involved in negotiations defining the conditions in which land may be leased,” explained Isata Sheriff, CEO of the organization Ngoyila women’s farmer, at the sidelines of the ToT.

“One of the key highlights of this training is that we are going to train rural women not only in English but using also the local dialects, making sure that the information is accessible to all,” she added. Indeed, the Trainers’ Manual includes a wide variety of assets in various local languages widely spoken in rural Sierra Leone.

Scaling up the impact of the RAI training programme

In 2022 and 2023, the RAI training programme was delivered in the districts of Bo, Bombali, Kambia, Kenema, Koinadugu, Kono, Moyamba, Port Loko and Pujehun. During the following months, training replications will be conducted in Bonthe, Falaba, Kailahun, Karene and Tonkolili. After this third phase, a total of 438 rural women will have been trained, and 210 local leaders engaged across 14 districts in Sierra Leone.

Ultimately this programme aims at promoting the application of the Principles for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems (CFS-RAI) at national level, in particular principle 3, which looks at fostering gender equality and women's empowerment. The CFS-RAI Principles were designed as international guidance to ensure that agricultural investment prioritizes food security, poverty reduction and sustainable development for all.

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