Integrating the Right to Adequate Food and good governance in national policies, legislation and institutions
©FAO/Filipe Branquinho

Mozambique Country Component

In Mozambique, the project is working closely together with SETSAN, an inter-ministerial body that is mandated to coordinate food security and nutrition interventions and monitor the implementation of the Food Security and Nutrition Strategy (ESAN II). The strategy of the project is to advocate and promote a human rights-based approach to food security in a progressive manner. The overall focus is on strengthening SETSAN’s capacity to function as inter-disciplinary coordination body on right to food issues and thus enhancing policy coherence.
The project is therefore supporting SETSAN sensitizing stakeholders through advocacy on, and integrating the right to food in plans, programmes and events. Particularly, the project has been supporting SETSAN during the organization of the IX Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP).

For the last few years, the Government of Mozambique has made progress with the inclusion of the right to adequate food in its legislation. In this regards, the Action Plan for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty for 2006-09 (PARPA II) explicitly calls for the development of a right to food law and the Food and Nutrition Security Strategy II (ESAN II), launched in 2008, is guided by the right to food. As a result of the strong collaboration between Mozambique and the FAO, important ground work has been done regarding capacity strengthening, advocacy and the design of a participatory process for the development of the right to food law during the course of previous projects.


10.01.2013 – Maputo – An important milestone was reached on December 14, 2012, during the II meeting of the Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) cluster held in the amphitheater of the Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture and chaired by His Excellency the Minister of Agriculture José António Pacheco Candugua when SETSAN launched its website from now on available at

12.07.2012 – A milestone of institutional strengthening was reached on 21 March 2012, when the the Comissão Interministerial da Função Públicaapproved SETSAN’s Organic Statute which has been made official through the Decree No. 7/2012. The new Statute gives SETSAN juridical status, higher administrative independence - including in the management of human and financial resources, and enjoys an official mandate which protects its coordination role, also in a decentralized structure.