Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS)



In the 16th of May 2019 the seasonal forecast bulletins were sent to the provincial offices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF); of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) by the Division of Climatology and Agro-meteorology of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH). 

The bulletins report the seasonal forecast situation for the first six months of the cropping season 2019. The bulletin include maps of the likelihood of temperature warmer or cooler than normal and rainfall drier or wetter than normal. Also, the relevance of these extremes to farmers is given, including the extent of impact of the forecast for rice farmers. Finally, the Lao historical climatology by province is described by giving information of regular rainfall and temperature for the period 1988-2017. A similar bulletin will be released every month over the cropping season, each describing the situation in the next six months.


At the end of May 2019 the DMH will present the new online system and mobile phone app called Laos Climate Service for Agriculture (LaCSA). The LaCSA system is outstanding achievement of SAMIS project. In addition, it is a new challenge for Lao PDR as one of the most innovative systems in Asia. The LaCSA system will significantly contribute about rainfall and temperature seasonal forecast as well as crop calendar to farmers on near real-time (with weekly bullettin), which will be very influential for making their decision on seasonal agriculture production such as selection of suitable crop species for cultivation in difficult condition of climate change. This will be able to ensure on more stable and sustainable production, higher productivity, improve food security, reduce the risk of disease and pest in Lao PDR.


At the same time, the LaCSA system will be able to fulfill the ambition and commitment of Lao Government as strongly pushing forward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).