Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS)

Farmer Field School are successfully operating to test weekly bulletins


A new curricula related to agro-meteorology and use of the Laos Climate Services for Agriculture (LaCSA) system is been tested in six villages around the country. As of today, the total member of FFS that are exposed to agro-meteorology bulletins and the LaCSA app as of today is 181 in the entire country, of which 41 women.

In detail, the FFS are undertaken two main location. First, in Laonard, Kadarn, Nonsithan, Xakheun-Neua in Champone District, Savannakhet province, where the FFS are undertaken in collaboration with CAWA project. The activities are focused in Integrated Pest Manament with agro-meteorology information and include baseline survey, variety preparation and selection, seed and soil preparation, rice maintenance calendar and management of gall midge, armyworm, planthopper and stem-borer.

Second, in the north of the country, the FFS are operating in the villages of Chiangmoun and Namai, Sing District, Luang Namtha province. The activities of the FFS in Sing are more basic compared to these in Champone, as the FFS are new in the area and the project has to introduce them to the Master Trainers and to the farmers for the first time. The most relevant activity includes soil fertility management (composting, organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, and amendments), weeds, water, pest and disease management. Mouse and bird management are also part of the curricula, as well as seed variety selection at harvest and marketing training.