Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS)

LaCSA inter-sectoral policy discussed by experts of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry


Ensuring the quality, production, and application of this LaCSA knowledge across Laos is a key policy objective of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry that also requires the collaboration of many entities. The LaCSA standard Operating Procedures workshop was organized by NAFRI. The main objective of the meeting was to validate a policy called "Standard Operating Procedure for Agro-Meteorology" in view of the long term sustainability of the LaCSA system. The roles and responsibilities have two levels, how to produce LaCSA data continuously and how to share LaCSA data with the local level.   The second objective was to reinforce and strengthen collaboration between line ministries both in the management and in the use of the tool. In fact, strengthened connectivity between MONRE and MAF and other entities is considered one of the main benefits of LaCSA.


The workshop was attended by experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Lao National Radio, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare. 

Participants from Provincial Offices and District Officials from Luang Namtha and Bolikhamxay were also invited. 

Bringing together experts in Laos, the workshop offered the chance for participants to become better informed and engaged with innovative methodology, useful information, and advanced techniques.