Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS)

Consultation process for the preparation of the SAMIS follow up ongoing


Based on the result of the PSC held on the 2nd of July 2020, SAMIS has been put in charge to develop a scale up of the project process.

The SAMIS team visited the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology and the Department of Planning and Finance at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. The main points discussed were the scalability of the agrometeorological system and the improvement of LaCSA. In the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, SAMIS meet first the partners, such as the Department of Agricultural Land Management and the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute. After that, the Department of Technical Extension and Agricultural Processing was visited to ensure the coordination of LaCSA use at national level. Finally, a visit to the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare allowed to develop a new partnership for data sharing at village level.

The concept note was presented in a meeting organized by Mr Sommad Pholsena, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment. The meeting, that include the leadership of MONRE, shared comments and improvement suggestions. The consultation will result in the development of a concept note for submission to the Green Climate Fund.