Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS)

Consultation workshop on implementation arrangements of the SAMIS follow up project Vientiane Capital Lao PDR, Landmark Hotel


Farmers, agricultural researchers, experts and policymakers across Lao PDR have easier access to more and better info than ever before thanks to Laos Climate Service for Agriculture (LaCSA).

Critical for planning the future of agriculture and forestry amid climate change, Lao PDR’s capacity in modelling Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) and Land Resources Information System, also known as LRIMS, has been highlighted at the international level with assistance from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). LRIMS information in future crop scenarios can potentially re-design the way Lao PDR design policies.

The GEF project “Strengthening agro-climatic monitoring and information systems to  adaptation to climate change and food security in Lao PDR” has now been successfully ongong since four years producing these important results. However, data contained in LaCSA and LRIMS requires extensive awareness rising activities and policy maker training before they can be used.

The meeting was organized by the Office of the Vice Minister in MONRE with the collaboration of MAF and MLSW.

With this in mind, FAO has developed the concept note for a new project that intends to scale up these achievements. The first concept note has been prepared through extensive consultations with various departments in MONRE, with a multiplicity of departments in MAF (probably the majority of Departments of MAF) and with the MLSW which is a new partner in this process. 

Representing FAO at the meeting, Mr Nasar Hayat, FAO Representative, explained that “scope of the workshop is to maximaze discussion and collaborations for the implementation of the project. Also, we intend to collect your impressions and comments so that the concept note can be improved.

Mr Chanthanet Boulapha, Vice Minister in MONRE who directs the Meteorology and Hydrology Sector explained that “the project has the potential to contribute greatly to the modernization of the meteorological sector, to the improvement of information for farmers, and to the achievements of the targets of the 9th NSEDP”

Representing FAO at the meeting, Mr Nasar Hayat, FAO Representative, explained that “scope of the workshop is to maximaze discussion and collaborations for the implementation of the project. Also, we intend to collect your impressions and comments so that the concept note can be improved.

The government was also represented by Mr.Sousath SAYAKHOMMANE, DG of DOPF at MAF and Mr. Mixay Sengchanhthavong Deputy-Director General of the Social Welfare Department.



Information about SAMIS are available here:

FAO produced various videos related to the activities of SAMIS.

A video about LaCSA is available at: