Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS)

Finalizing the soil map of Lao PDR


Starting from the 17th of February, the SAMIS will host the Soil unit at DALAM for six lessons on the development of Lao PDR's soil map. The training workshop will be run virtually over Zoom, during Feb-Mar, 2021. The training will have a part of direct participation, a part of the homework that will occur between the online sessions, and a part in the field. The training will be Dr Eddy de Pawn, a renamed soil expert.

Over the last few years, DALAM worked to produce the map with fields missions, digging pits, collecting samples, and undertakeing laboratory analysis. So this training has been organized to involve staff through innovative methodologies that will be used in a very intense and modern way to produce maps of soil.

The training will focus on the use of the World Reference Base (WRB) system for soil classification. Approaches for a transition from hand-drawn soil mapping to use of digital techniques and ancillary datasets for soil mapping (such as digital elevation models and satellite imagery) will be explored. Field methods for standardized soil profile (and auger) description will also be described.