Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS)

Partnership to meet the Paris Agreement targets


Recently the SAMIS project started a collaboration with the global FAO project Country support to the enhancement of the Nationally Determined Contribution in the AFOLU sector - Technical Assistance Fund (TAF), on behalf of the NDC Partnership Climate Action Enhancement Package, also know as CAEP project

Through the Climate Action Enhancement Package (abbreviated CAEP, pronounced "cap") the NDC Partnership is delivering targeted, fast-track support to countries to enhance the quality, increase the ambition, and implement nationally determined contributions (or NDCs). 

The FAO project, whose symbol is MTF/GLO/168/WRI, targets Albania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Eswatini, Gabon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Niger, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tajikistan, Zimbabwe, and Lao PDR.


The activity under development in Lao PDR are managed by the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and will include:

  1. Develop an hazard mapping system identifying areas vulnerable to weather and climate risk;
  2. Develop capacity for district level disaster risk reduction at national level;
  3. Develop capacity for district level disaster risk reduction at district level;
  4. Pilot and deploy local Disaster Risk Reduction plans.

More information on CAEP are available at