Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans (SCALA) 

COP27 side-event: Supporting transformative climate actions in agriculture and land use in Egypt through SCALA


©FAO/Rosetta Messori

The FAO-UNDP SCALA programme has organized a hybrid side event, “Supporting transformative climate actions in agriculture and land use in Egypt through SCALA” in the United Nations Egypt Pavilion at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh.

This side event featured key stakeholders to discuss the SCALA programme’s activities and progress towards supporting adaptation planning and assessment in agriculture sub-sectors and other key sectors towards the development and implementation of Egypt’s National Adaptation Plan. These include stakeholders in agriculture, land reclamation, water and irrigation, environment, and other sectors.  


Side event objectives

  • Discussion of programme progress and concrete contributions to ongoing planning and policy processes in Egypt 
  • Presentation on alignment with Egypt’s NAP, NDC and other long-term strategies (LTS) 
  • Reflections on synergies between Egypt’s policy goals from different sectors 

Side event Format

This side event took place as an in-person panel discussion with a live webcast.


  • Welcoming: Moderated by Zitouni Ould-dada, Deputy Director, Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, FAO
  • Remarks: Her Excellency Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister for Environment of the Arab Republic, Egypt 
  • Remarks: His Excellency Dr. Hany Sewilam, Minister for Water Resources and Irrigation, Egpyt  
  • Remarks: Ms. Ilka Hirt, Deputy Director-General for International Policy at the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV), Government of Germany  
  • The SCALA programme: Catalyzing transformative climate action in agrifood systems and land use:
  • Mr. Alessandro Fracassetti, Resident Representative of UNDP in Egypt  
  • Mr. Abdulhakim Elwaer, Assistant Director General and Regional Representative, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa  
  • Technical panel discussion:
  • Moderator:Julia Wolf, Natural Resources officer, FAO Global SCALA programme coordinator
  • Engineer Dr. Tarek Shalaby, Ministry of Environment, Egypt 
  • Dr. Mohamed Fahim, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Egypt 
  • Theresa Wong, Senior Climate Change Officer, FAO  
  • Rohini Kohli, Senior Technical Advisor on adaptation planning and policy, UNDP
  • Q&A and discussion with audience
  • Session closing remarks