Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans (SCALA) 

NAP EXPO 2022: Step-by-step guidance to enable transformative climate solutions as part of NDC/NAP implementation in the agriculture and land use sectors


©FAO/Andrew Caballero-Reynolds

The SCALA programme organized an in-person side event at the NAP EXPO 2022 in Gaborone, Botswana on “Step-by-step guidance to enable transformative climate solutions as part of NDC/NAP implementation in the agriculture and land use sectors”. This side event provided an open dialogue amongst National Adaptation Plan country practitioners and stakeholders on the key dimensions, drivers and barriers to transformation in the agriculture and land use sectors within the context of climate change and NAP/NDC implementation.

The session introduced the UNDP-FAO step-by-step guidance and a tool highlighting practical steps that country planners can take to enable transformative approaches to NAP/NDC planning and implementation in the agriculture and land use sectors. Also, SCALA country experiences, challenges and lessons learned on applying the guidance and facilitating cross-country exchange with other NAP country practitioners were featured to collect feedback and further refine the tool for a global audience.

Following the session, SCALA country representatives met their counterparts and global team members. Interested participants were invited to share contact details (10 mins, facilitated by FAO/UNDP). On-the-ground focal points are Ms Krystal Crumpler (FAO), Mr Sergio Ramos (FAO), Mr Samuel Tumesigye (UNDP) and Ms Saran Selenge (UNDP).

Relevant resources: Knowledge Tank for agriculture sectors’ adaptation to climate change

Welcome and opening remarks

Setting the context:

o   Introduction to SCALA programme and its early results
o   Step-by-step guidance and accompanying tools and resources for LDCs on transformative NAP/NDC planning and implementation 
o   Announcement on the SCALA Private Sector facility for LDCs

SCALA country experiences on transformative NAP/NDC planning and implementation in agriculture and land use:

o   to identify transformative potential of NDC or NAP priorities for further implementation
o   to identify strengths in national capacities and capacity enhancement needs to ensure participatory and transformative approaches to NDC and NAP implementation in the agriculture and land use sectors are strengthened
o   to identify other gaps to be filled in to strengthen enabling environment for transformative climate action and what next steps to be undertaken to advance implementation.


Break-out groups to reflect on:

o   selected steps in guidance and key dimensions of transformative change in the agriculture and land use sectors within the context of NAP implementation, including gender equality and social inclusion and private sector engagement; and
o   opportunities and support available for application of the guidance.

Feedback session in plenary
Wrap up