Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)

Forum Origin, Diversity and Territories

Workshop 4: Tools and innovations to build the resilience of farmers and territories Coordinated by ETHZ Switzerland, WFSC, FAO Italy and ICRAF Resilience of farming systems increases with the ability of farmers and their farms to cope and adapt to changes. Most pressures for change are due to climate, but market conditions, trade and changes in policies play a determining role. As for assessing the degree of resilience of complex farming systems, FAO has developed tools and methods, such as the SHARP tool. Universities have developed complementary approaches, for evaluating and building the resilience of value chains or food systems. Scope, scale, context and approaches are diverse but may be complementary. The workshop should serve as a platform of sharing data but also experience and knowledge about the development, implementation, and the use of assessment tools. The perspective is to search for promising ways to share data in order to get a worldwide baseline assessment of resilience, causes of vulnerability, and pathways to build resilience.