Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)

Training workshop on the SHARP+ tool under the Resilient Food Systems Programme

The training on the SHARP+ tool is organized in the framework of the Resilient Food Systems (RFS) programme and aims to strengthen the capacities of stakeholders in Niger and Senegal on the SHARP+ methodology , to conduct assessments of the climate resilience of rural households. The training will also give participants the opportunity to acquire knowledge on how to adapt and facilitate the SHARP + tool to meet their monitoring and evaluation needs in the context of the RFS program and to support the requirements in reporting to relevant project indicators.

The training will also be joined by the projects “Building Global Capacity for Increased Transparency in the AFOLU Sector (CBIT-AFOLU)” and “Strengthening Agricultural Adaptation (SAGA)” with a focus on M&E and reporting requirements of international agreements on climate change and sustainable development (Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework and Sustainable Development Goals).