Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)

SHARP in the spotlight


Resilience Measurement, Evidence and Learning Conference 2018

From the 12th-15th of November the Resilience Measurement, Evidence and Learning (RMEL) Conference will take place in New Orleans, USA. This conference is an ideal venue for scientists and practitioners from around the world to meet and exchange knowledge on resilience-related topics, ranging from innovative frameworks and tools to measure resilience, to resilience building strategies and actions in both rural and urban areas.

The conference aims at:

  • Creating a community of diverse actors to improve resilience measurement concepts and methods, as well as their direct use.
  • Strengthening the evidence on strategies of improving resilience in the field.
  • Influencing policy/decision making processes.

In this framework, the SHARP tool will be presented to an international expert audience. Three different presentations on SHARP in two thematic panels are going to be held. The focus will be lying on: resilience measurement approaches for market systems and secondly, climate change and resilience. Also, SHARP will be part of a discussion on the assessment of objective and subjective resilience at community level.

Click here to know more about the conference and the agenda.

For more information on the panel sessions: