Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)

Using and adapting SHARP+ to assess the resilience of smallholder communities in Niger and Senegal


Through the Regional Hub of the IFAD and GEF-funded Impact Programme Resilient Food Systems (RFS), FAO has played a central role in developing innovative tools and methodologies to monitor and assess ecosystem services and socio-economic benefits.

Together with the RFS Programme Coordination Unit (PCU), FAO has been working to build the capacities of stakeholders and national institutions to apply these methodologies for their monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities and for evidence-based decision-making.

In this line, FAO and the RFS are organizing an online training on the SHARP+methdology and tool for Niger and Senegal. The objective is to guide country project teams on the use and adaptation of the tool to track and report on programme-wide indicators of resilience.

The training will be divided in two-part training series: 


Part 1 will provide an overview of the main reporting requirements of the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework and the Sustainable Development Goals, and how SHARP+ can be used to fulfil these requirements.


Part 2 will provide hands-on training on the SHARP+ tool to conduct an empirical assessment of the climate resilience (and adaptive capacity) of rural households in support of project M&E systems and requirements. Participants will learn how to adapt the tool according to their needs, implement it in the field and interpret and use the results.

The training series will first be piloted with the Niger and Senegal country project teams over the course of six weeks in November and December. Training for the remaining RFS country projects will be organised and details will be circulated as soon as they become available.