Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
SHARP training certificate (©FAO/David Colozza)
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Farming systems-based approach to assess and build their resilience: insights from the Canton of Vaud (Switzerland)

26 October 2017
In the context of climate change and globalisation, enhancing resilience of farming systems is as an important factor for the sustainability of food systems. The Canton of Vaud (Switzerland) has a great diversity of agroecosystems and farming systems. To assess [...]

Results from the resilience assessment of 16 agroecological farms in Costa Rica using the SHARP tool

10 March 2017
The publication presents the results from the assessment of climate resilience levels of 16 agroecological farms located in Costa Rica's Central Valley. The authors compare the profile of each farm with national level indicators, and suggest some options to improve [...]

Monitoring and evaluation of climate resilience for agricultural development – A review of currently available tools

01 February 2017
Building climate resilience, defined as the ability to anticipate, absorb, accommodate, or recover from climate change in a timely and efficient manner, is becoming a major priority of development across multiple sectors. However, there is still no consensus on how [...]

Assessing and building of Resilience in Western farming systems

27 May 2016
Farming systems’ resilience assessments mostly focused on the study of developing countries. Thus, to fill this gap, the main aim of this research was to propose an adaptation of the existing SHARP tool from a developing countries context to a [...]

SHARP Background document published

02 November 2015
A document outlining the history and development of the SHARP tool, as well as the scientific background of the methodology has been published and is available on FAO's document repository.

The 3As: Tracking Resilience Across BRACED

03 August 2015
New publication from the BRACED consortium discussing the concept of resilience and its use within the partner organizations' work. The BRACED consortium received training on SHARP in late 2015 and is now using the tool to gather baseline data from over [...]

New publication exploring partnership between SHARP and Groundswell International

01 July 2015
In this publicaiton, Groundswell discuss their project Agroecology Plus Six (AE+6) and the use of the SHARP tool to gather data on climate resilience as part of the project.

Blog post on resilience by the SHARP team

27 May 2015
Can farmers & pastoralists self-assess their climate-resilience? This blog post prepared by the SHARP team and published online by the CGIAR programme on Water, Land and Ecosystems explores the concept of resilience and the challenges and successes in using the [...]

SHARP poster presented at International Agroecology Symposium

01 September 2014
A poster on SHARP "Integrating climate resilience into sustainable production systems in sub-Saharan Africa" was prepared and presented at the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition, held at FAO HQ in Rome in September 2014.