Autoevaluación y Valoración Holística de la Resiliencia Climática de Agricultores y Pastores (SHARP)
Data collection using SHARP in Bibala, Angola (©FAO/David Colozza)

The SHARP+ tablet application is the preferred and suggested method to gather  data on climate resilience. The SHARP+ tool is currently available in English, French, Spanish and Turkish but further translations are possible if needed. The resilience scores per module are automatically calculated and presented in the survey,  offering the possibility to compare in real time the resilience scores. Collected data can also be downloaded and used for further analysis. 

The application has recently been transferred to KoboCollect. In order to access the survey in its digital form, it is therefore necessary to download the KoBoCollect application from the Google playstore and to create an account. The application is free of charge and can be used by anyone interested in carrying out the SHARP+ resilience assessment .

Please contact the SHARP team for more details on installing and using the SHARP+ application.