Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SocPro4Fish)

Territorial table of the Interinstitutional Group for Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture - GIPRO, in Buenaventura.

Through the project  SocPro4Fish, the Marine and Coastal Research Institute of Colombia - INVEMAR, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO, held the second meeting of the territorial table of the Interinstitutional Group for Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture - GIPRO, in Buenaventura. This initiative promotes dialogue and synergies among institutions in the sector to generate joint mechanisms for the benefit of artisanal fishers  and fishing workers.

During the meeting, it was highlighted that Buenaventura is the pilot site for the SocPro4Fish project, which aims to study and assess the application of social protection measures for artisanal fishers.

The following institutions participated in the territorial table: EPA Buenaventura, AUNAP, DIMAR, Ombudsman's Office, SENA, UMATA Buenaventura, Secretariat of Rural Development, EAT Fisheries Advisory, Asoaguacates, Personería of Buenaventura, Colmena, Colpensiones, Ministry of Labor Buenaventura, Pacific University, Asoagripesca, Association of Empowered Women from the Pacific - Platoneras, Health Secretariat, Comfenalco, Women's Secretariat, and the Agricultural and Fishing Development Secretariat of Valle del Cauca, Fedepazcifico, Frigoter, Palma Roja, FAO, and INVEMAR.

During the event, the participating institutions discussed the shortcomings and opportunities present in Law 2268 of 2022, "Through which norms are issued to guarantee targeted social benefits for commercial and subsistence artisanal fishers." They also talked about the change in the initial work lines of the project, which now addresses new lines focused on formalization through registration for fishing and aquaculture, management of labor, environmental, and socio-economic risks, as well as the rehabilitation of livelihoods for the communities under study.

The GIPRO table provided a co-construction space, where the participating entities identified how they could contribute, based on their respective missions, to the proposed work lines, aiming to achieve the benefit and protection of fishers and fishing workers in Buenaventura.