Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SocPro4Fish)

GFCM-Lex Regional Training Session


The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) convened a regional training session  on small scale fisheries (SSF) and social protection in Tricase, Italy, in a hybrid format, engaging 14 participants from six countries and ten speakers.

The objective of the training session was to elaborate a detailed shared understanding among participants of the social protection measures available to SSF in their respective countries and beyond, foster cooperation around social protection, present the initiatives taken by GFCM, CIHEAM Bari, and FAO to address this issue, and work with participants to improve the quality of the information on social protection available on the GFCM-Lex platform and the FAO database of social protection programmes in the fisheries sector.

The training session began with presentations by speakers from FAO and the GFCM, setting the scene on social protection for fishers in the GFCM area of application, which fostered both formal and informal discussions. This was followed by three working sessions through which participants reviewed the information gathered by FAO and the GFCM, as well as that provided by them through previously-sent questionnaires, and discussed best practices to design and implement social protection in order to respond to the needs of the SSF sector in their  respective countries.

This was the last training session of the GFCM-MAVA project “Towards a region-wide legal framework for the conservation of Mediterranean living marine resources and ecosystems”.