Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SocPro4Fish)

SocPro4Fish Updates| Overview of 2022

25/01/2023, Rome

Global Level


  • Established the Inter-Institutional Group for Social Protection in Fisheries and Aquaculture (also known as GIPRO for its initials in Spanish) involving most of the Fish for Development partners.
  • Included the fisheries sector in the working group of the National Commission for Health and Safety at Work (CNSST for its initials in Spanish).
  • Been articulated with working group No. 8 of the fisheries sector’s dignity table, whose technical secretariat oversees the National Authority for Fisheries and Aquaculture (AUNAP for its initials in Spanish).
  • Been included in the fisheries and aquaculture roundtables to advocate for social protection.
  • Participated in the First International Aquaculture Fair and Norway Day in Huila, Colombia on (May 5-7, 2022).
  • The GIPRO established a territorial roundtable in the District of Buenaventura.
  • Conducted a workshop on occupational risks in alliance with the ILO in the District of Buenaventura (50 participants).
  • The GIPRO is providing technical support to the revision of Law 2268 of 2022 which seeks to establish measures to protect the integrity, minimum salary and socioeconomic sustainability of artisanal, commercial and subsistence fishers.
  • Delivered a workshop on the Periodic Economic Benefits Program (BEPS for its initials in Spanish) in alliance with Colpensiones in the District of Buenaventura (40 participants, 12 reactivated the affiliation, 10 affiliated).
  • Developed reports including the revision and analysis of social protection programs in Colombia and their implementation in the small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sector; impact evaluation of COVID-19 in the fisheries sector in Colombia; Vulnerability and hazards analysis of the small scale fisheries and aquaculture sector.
  • Designed and is piloting a model survey, which includes variables that describe the social protection mechanisms in the artisanal and small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sector. This will inform a new statistical module of socio-economic information on the fisheries sector within the Colombian Fishing Statistical Service (SEPEC for its initials in Spanish).


  • Conducted a review of the social protection programs in Paraguay, focused on their coverage and adequacy in the fisheries sector.
  • Developed a socio-economic profile for fishers in Paraguay.
  • Developed an evaluation of vulnerability and hazards for fishers in the small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sector, and their barriers to access the Fishers Assistance Program (Programa de Asistencia a Pescadores in Spanish). This included primary data collection.


  • Developed a benchmarking on the regulations and social protection mechanisms for small-scale fishers in countries with similar contexts in order to inform key stakeholders to design and implement social protection programs/reforms.
  • Conducted an evaluation of the performance of social protection systems carried out by the IPC-IG.
  • Created an inter-institutional technical committee, steered by the Ministry of Agriculture, to meet regularly and discuss social protection in the fisheries sector. In this context, established an informal partnership with the ILO to better coordinate activities in support of the expansion of coverage of social protection programs to the fisheries sector.
  • Developed study on fishers’ barriers of access to social protection.
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