Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SocPro4Fish)

SocPro4Fish Updates| Achievements


Welcome to this new edition of the SocPro4Fish Updates! This is a special issue as it marks the end of our project. We will highlight the major achievements and key takeaways from our initiatives. We aim to maintain this newsletter as a platform for knowledge sharing on our favorite topic and continue advocating for more adaptive and inclusive social protection for the fisheries sector.


Evidence-Based Policy Support

Below some of our efforts to support evidence-based policy, which is crucial for identifying the needs of fishers and gaps of social protection coverage and adequacy in the sector.


FAO conducted a detailed assessment of the socio-economic profiles of fishers and the social protection coverage in the country. We created 10 maps detailing closed areas for artisanal fishers and used landing data to assess income variations during closed and open seasons. Additionally, we evaluated the benefits of integrating fisher registries with social information systems to improve data exchange, resource management, and policy development, thereby increasing resilience to shocks like climate change. Learn more.




FAO assessed fishers’ vulnerabilities and the coverage of social protection in the fisheries sector. In Paraguay, fishers face numerous challenges, including limited education, poor housing, and health risks. Despite having eight social protection programmes, gaps remain in addressing labor conditions, gender inequality, and climate readiness. To tackle these issues, FAO developed socio-economic profiles of the beneficiaries of  the Fishers Assistance Program (PROAP) participants and evaluated alternative livelihoods during closed seasons. Learn more.




FAO conducted a feasibility study on extending social protection to the small-scale fisheries sector in the country, stressing the importance of flexible contributions, coordination between different schemes, and interoperable registries to identify vulnerabilities of fishers and needs for subsidies. We have also assessed current coverage to identify gaps and opportunities and are working with different ministries to strengthen existing programmes. Learn more.




FAO created a global database with over 40 preliminary profiles of social protection programmes. The aim of this database is not only to create a repository of the social protection programmes available for fishers in each country, but also to assess the trends and gaps in terms of adequate and comprehensive coverage at the national, regional and international level.

Technical Tools

Our technical tools developed to support fishers in various countries.





FAO developed a manual for fishers on accessing social protection programmes and incorporated a socio-economic statistical module into the Colombian Fishery Statistical Service (SEPEC). Read More.



FAO developed guidelines for the national aquaculture programme and created mechanisms to formalize and strengthen small-scale fisheries associations.



FAO is developing a brochure and flyers to help fishers in Tunisia on the procedures to access social protection programmes. Many fishers are not aware of the existing programmes that they have the right to access.

Strengthening Informal Social Protection

Our initiatives to strengthen informal social protection systems.



FAO conducted an assessment of the benefits of revolving funds in a study, which includes financial stability, income diversification, and sustainable development, and developed technical documents to strengthen social protection and risk management mechanisms in vulnerable communities in the small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sector, with a focus on rehabilitating livelihoods.



FAO supports the implementation of Article 09 of Decree 77 to recognize mutual societies as intermediaries in social protection through inter-institutional dialogues.

South-South Cooperation

Collaborative efforts between countries to enhance social protection for fishers.




FAO organized a workshop in Brasilia to share experiences on fishers’ unemployment benefits and social protection programmes. The workshop included participants from ColombiaTunisiaParaguayPeruCabo VerdeChile, and BrazilLearn more.

Inter-Institutional Groups

Our efforts to promote inter-institutional collaboration for the benefit of fishers.




FAO and its partners created the Inter-Institutional Group on Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (GIPRO) to promote dialogue and support the revision of Law 2268 of 2022. This law ensures the protection and socio-economic sustainability of artisanal, commercial, and subsistence fishers. Learn more.






FAO has supported the creation of the Catalyst Working Group in Paraguay, which includes the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Environment, and the Social Cabinet’s Technical Unit. This group has improved institutional coordination through inter-ministerial workshops.


FAO has supported strategic partnerships with the government and local unions in Tunisia, leading to the establishment of a technical committee. This committee works on extending social protection coverage to the fisheries sector, ensuring fishers are safeguarded against unforeseen shocks. Learn more.


Watch our video: SocPro4Fish: Expanding Social Protection for Small-Scale Fisheries