Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SocPro4Fish)

SocPro4Fish Updates| Gender Focus


Cabo Verde's Gender Strategy for the FIA sector 

Women play a key role in the fisheries value chain. But they still face many challenges due to the lack of visibility and voice in decision-making, and a lack of a legal agenda promoting gender equality.

In response, FAO, through  the Subprogramme and the Coastal Fisheries Initiative, has developed a gender strategy for the fisheries and aquaculture sector. This strategy is being implemented in collaboration with the Cabo Verde Ministry of the Sea and the Institute for Gender Equality and Equity. It is a concrete plan to enhance the economic power and decision-making autonomy of women fishers.

For more information, contact:  [email protected]

Gender Matter in Colombia 


The Colombian coastal town of Buenaventura has one of the busiest ports in the country. The local population relies heavily on fishing and aquaculture for their livelihoods, and a large part of the workforce is made up of women, known as platoneras. They work informally and earn low wages. They are not covered by a social protection system, which makes them particularly vulnerable to negative shocks such as illness, injury and the eventual onset of old age.  

Listen to the podcast and get to know a group of joyful, hardworking women who are heirs of Afro-Colombian traditions called Platoneras. Through this inspiring story, you will discover how FAO and its partners are working hard to strengthen the livelihoods of these women and improve their access to social protection schemes. 

These women are not only achieving significant changes in their own lives, but they are also contributing to the building of a more just and equitable future for their entire community. 

To listen or download the episode in English and Spanish, please access the following links: 

Seminar on gender approach in the fisheries and aquaculture sector 

FAO Colombia participated in the "Gender Matters" conference organised by the Norwegian Embassy in Colombia and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). 

FAO led two sessions. One on the mutual benefits between equality and sustainable development in aquaculture and fisheries and the other on how the gender perspective is applied in development projects. 

For more information, contact: [email protected] 


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