Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SocPro4Fish)

SocPro4Fish Updates

SocPro4Fish Updates| 2023 Takeaways


10 Takeaways

Creation of GIPRO in Colombia

The Interinstitutional Social Protection Group for Fisheries and Aquaculture (GIPRO) was established to bolster the government's capacity in developing coherent policies and programs for fishers. Territorial groups have been set up in various Colombian cities like Buenaventura and Villavicencio, expanding to other regions upon request. GIPRO played a key role in providing technical data for regulating unemployment benefits during closure periods. Read more. 


Inter-institutional Technical Committee in Tunisia

Establishment of a technical committee to bring together inter-institutional actors working together to improve or modify social protection systems to better target and reach fishers. Read more. 


Initiative in Paraguay

Fieldwork to collect socio-economic data has supported fishing-dependent communities along the river corridor in Paraguay. With the support of communities and institutions like the binational institution Yacyretá, a project is being implemented to promote economic inclusion within the framework of social protection. Read more. 


Global Course on Climate Change and Poverty Nexus

A virtual course on the connections between climate change and poverty brought together participants from 47 countries. The course, in partnership with the University of the West Indies, focused on the vulnerability of the fisheries sector and strategies for social protection. Learn more about the course. 


Webinar on Social Protection and Early Warning Systems

FAO hosted a webinar emphasizing how social protection can enhance responses to climate change and poverty in the fisheries sector. More information. 


Socioeconomic Impact Evaluation of Unemployment Insurance for Small-scale Fishers in Brazil (Seguro-Defeso)

For the first time in 30 years since the benefit was introduced, a study conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in partnership with the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG), evaluated the socioeconomic impacts of this social protection program on small-scale fishers and their families. Read more: Full paper  The brief is available in English and Portuguese   


Plan of Action for Enhanced Safety, Decent Work, and Social Protection in the Fisheries Sector of the Bay of Bengal Programme Region (BOBSAFE)

Addressing vessel and equipment safety, highlighting the importance of standard designs and construction plans for fishing vessels. The plan advocates for vessel registration and licensing, inspection of vessel yards to ensure adherence to safety standards, adoption of international codes and guidelines for fishing vessel safety, provision of decent working conditions and social protection to fishers, formalization of labor contracts, and enhancement of search and rescue capabilities. Read More. 


Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SocPro4Fish) in Colombia

Development of a brochure providing an overview of social protection, introducing the SocPro4Fish project, outlining its objectives, and highlighting the results achieved in the context of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Colombia. Read more. 


Human Stories

The Socpro4Fish project illuminates the challenges faced by fishers from their own perspectives. It highlights the importance of social protection in solving their daily problems. Read the captivating stories from Colombia, Tunisia and Paraguay  and listen to the podcast "Colombia's Sea Women" to see first-hand the impact the project is having. Listen here