Sustainable bioeconomy for agrifood systems transformation

Normative and standard-setting instruments

The International Sustainable Bioeconomy Working Group (ISBWG) established a set of Aspirational Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Bioeconomy (P&C) in 2016. The P&C provide a reference list of common goals for a sustainable and circular bioeconomy and are considered a framework in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems, such as the European Commission monitoring system, supporting evidence-based policy-making processes. 

The 10 aspirational principles and 24 criteria were the basis of the report Indicators to monitor and evaluate the sustainability of bioeconomy. Overview and a proposed way forward (2019) and the joint Guidance Note, which FAO develops together with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and the German Thünen Institute on how to monitor the sustainable development of the bioeconomy.