Sustainable and circular bioeconomy for food systems transformation


The new edition of the report Outlook for Agriculture and Rural Development in the Americas 2019-2020 prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) highlights the bioeconomy as an innovative way to drive sustainable rural development...
Rubber from dandelions to cosmetics from seaweed - Lessons from 26 case studies  With almost 50 countries placing the promotion of the bioeconomy on their political agenda through visions, strategies and action plans, FAO’s new publication “Towards sustainable bioeconomy: lessons learned from case studies“ comes at an opportune moment. Launched on 15 May...
An inception workshop to develop Uruguay’s National Bioeconomy Strategy took place in Montevideo on 4 April 2019. The multi-stakeholder group of participants represented several government ministries interested in both the National Bioeconomy Strategy and the development of the country’s circular economy. The aim of the workshop was to discuss strategy objectives for...
Plans to pilot components of the project ‘Towards Sustainable Bioeconomy Guidelines‘ in Namibia and Uruguay are underway following the second biannual meeting of the International Sustainable Bioeconomy Working Group at FAO Headquarters. This project aims to develop sustainable bioeconomy guidelines to assist countries in developing and implementing sustainable bioeconomy strategies, policies...
If done right, in particular with and for family farmers, bioeconomy can help efforts to tackle pressing global problems such as hunger, poverty and climate change. This was the message FAO Deputy Director-General Climate and Natural Resources, Maria Helena Semedo delivered today at the Global Bioeconomy Summit in Berlin. A sustainable bioeconomy, Semedo...