Sustainable bioeconomy for agrifood systems transformation

Launch of online survey towards the development of a multistakeholder global partnership on bioeconomy for sustainable food and agriculture

FAO has launched a global, written consultation to explore the development of a multistakeholder global partnership on bioeconomy for sustainable food and agriculture. All inputs are welcome by 30 April 2025. Respondents are invited to share the survey widely among their networks.


Bioeconomy is gaining momentum worldwide: 24 countries and three regions already have dedicated bioeconomy strategies. At least 15 more are under development and around 35 countries have bioeconomy-related strategies.

Bioeconomy discussions are also becoming more prominent in international fora, with the G20 Bioeconomy Initiative under Brazil's presidency adopting High-Level Principles on Bioeconomy in 2024, and South Africa taking the Initiative forward in 2025 under their G20 Presidency.

At the 2025 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture, over 60 agriculture ministers recognized the bioeconomy’s role in a sustainable, resilient, and inclusive economy in their Final Communiqué. The sustainable bioeconomy holds the key to addressing critical global challenges of sustainability, including poverty, climate change, biodiversity loss, and food security. International collaboration and cooperation are essential to unlock its full potential. This was also recognized by Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) during the 27th Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO) and the 29th Session of the FAO Committee on Agriculture (COAG).

A global multistakeholder bioeconomy partnership could address governance gaps by improving coordination, policy coherence, and collaboration among stakeholders. It could also enhance data availability, assess sustainability indicators, facilitate knowledge exchange and reduce socio-economic inequalities.

With expertise in sustainable agrifood systems, its strategic priority on bioeconomy and a strong track record in global partnerships, FAO is well-positioned to facilitate coordination and foster international cooperation, while also contributing to evidence building, norm-setting, and expanding technical support, especially in the Global South. As a UN agency with established partnerships across governments, civil society, academia, financial institutions, and the private sector, FAO can leverage its convening power to enhance global efforts toward a sustainable bioeconomy, particularly in the Global South.

Consultation process

To inform a proposal for the establishment of a global multistakeholder partnership on bioeconomy for sustainable food and agriculture, FAO is carrying out inclusive and geographically representative consultations with a wide range of stakeholders between March and April 2025. The aim is to define the objectives and potential focus areas for a global multistakeholder partnership and map the various stakeholders in the global bioeconomy landscape. 

This online, written consultation is open to all stakeholders active or interested in the bioeconomy landscape. It will run in parallel with virtual regional consultations across all FAO regions (Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Near East and North Africa, and North America). Stakeholders are invited to help identify gaps and opportunities that a partnership could address and leverage, alongside the types of services a partnership could offer. 

Inputs received across all consultations will help define the partnership’s objectives and potential focus areas, forming an integral part of the proposal for the establishment of a global multistakeholder bioeconomy partnership. The proposal will be subject to discussion among FAO Members before a decision is made regarding its establishment. 

Join the conversation here.

Deadline: 30 April 2025  
