Inclusive and Sustainable Territories and Landscapes Platform

A platform that minimizes production waste and supports food security

An innovative virtual market platform, supported by the infoDev (World Bank) program, that connects farmers and buyers to the hospitality and restaurant sector.


In Jamaica, farmers lose a significant share of their production due to their lack of direct market access. Instead, they are at the mercy of middlemen, which leads to increased costs and delays. To address this inefficiency, Jamaican entrepreneurs Jermaine Henry and Janice McLeod developed AGROCENTRAL, a mobile app that connects farmers with shoppers in hospitality and restaurants. This has enabled farmers to earn higher incomes, and buyers lower prices; as well as other indirect benefits such as waste reduction.

See more:

"Matchmaking farmers: Agrocentral brings innovation to Jamaica's agriculture sector"


Palabras clave: Platform, food security, production waste, farmers and buyers

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