Inclusive and Sustainable Territories and Landscapes Platform

Integrated territorial and landscape approaches for poverty reduction and sustainability – innovation and challenges from country led implementation

This report summarizes the main findings of the International Workshop “Integrated territorial and landscape approaches for poverty reduction and sustainability: Innovation and challenges from country led implementation” held in Rome from the 10th to the 12th of December 2019.

The project supported the participating countries (Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Lebanon and Moldova) in systematizing country-led case studies on implementing territorial and landscape approaches, using a common methodology. 

The results of this final systematization confirm that (i) multi-level and cross-sectoral coordination are key to address power imbalances, identify trade-offs and negotiate synergetic approaches, (ii) to secure long-term and coordinated financing, this integrated approaches must become institutionalized, moving from isolated and short-lived projects, into policies and programmes.


Published by:FAO
Year: 2020

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