The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP)

Malawi holds National Policy Dialogue on Research Capacity for Sustainable Agrifood Systems

Malawi’s AIS organisations geared to facilitate agricultural innovation

On 28 November 2023, the government of Malawi, through the Ministry of Agriculture with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), held the national policy dialogue on ‘Research Capacity for Sustainable Agri-food Systems in the Context of the Agricultural Innovation System (AIS)’ in Lilongwe.

The national policy dialogue was organised to present key policy relevant issues and recommendations from the sub-national policy dialogues that were held in April 2023 in two southern and central districts of Balaka and Ntchisi respectively, with an emphasis on solutions focused on strengthening ‘Research Capacity for Sustainable Agri-food Systems in the Context of the Agricultural Innovation System.

Prof. Charles Masangano, appointed speaker during the dialogue, highlighted the importance of both research and extension in promotion of agricultural innovation in Malawi. He summarized that agricultural research is crucial for developing, testing, and adapting solutions for improving agri-food systems while agricultural extension plays a very big role in disseminating research findings to farmers.

Prof. Charles Masangano calls for bottom-up approaches in agriculture research and extension.(c) FAO/Given Chichitike


Addressing Farmer Challenges

During the dialogue, the participants identified roles that research should play to promote innovation processes such as engagement and coordination using the District Agricultural Extension Services System (DAESS) structures to find workable solutions that address farmer challenges at district level.

Further, the participants highlighted that the role of extension workers in the process of integrating research into DAESS should shift from assembling farmers’ demands and transferring solutions to innovation brokers who should facilitate networking and social learning among farmer researchers, researchers from formal institutions, and other actors across the agri-food systems chain.  

Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET) Programmes Manager, Maziko Nkhulambe, observed that sustainable agri-food system can be achieved if different government departments, stakeholders, and partners come together with common priorities to build capacity of AIS organisations in Malawi.

“We applaud the technical and financial support that FAO has provided to us to have this platform where policy makers, researchers, extension service providers, and innovators can come together and find viable solutions to improve agriculture in Malawi”, said Nkhulambe. However, he further stressed that “we need more engagement, dialogues, collaboration, and coordination among researchers and extension providers and other stakeholders to achieve sustainable and innovative agri-food system in the country”.

Maziko Nkhulambe suggests solutions to achieve sustainable agrifood systems. (c) FAO/Given Chichitike


Alignment with Malawi’s National Policies

Representing the Ministry of Agriculture, Deputy Director of Animal Health and Livestock Development, Innocent Nkangala, stated that the national policy dialogue on Research Capacity for Sustainable Agri-food Systems in the Context of AIS aligns well with Malawi's Vision 2063 which focuses on improving agriculture productivity and commercialisation.

"We need to emphasize the role of extension, research, and innovation in agriculture development to make agriculture attractive and sustainable, especially among the youth", suggested Nkangala.

Representing FAO Malawi, Samuel Kirichu, reaffirmed FAO’s aim to address gaps in agriculture research and extension by contributing to the transformation and strengthening of inclusive AIS and addressing the needs of small producers to fully realize the potential of agricultural innovation in agri-food systems in Malawi.

“A well-equipped agriculture innovation system addresses the needs of the farmer through timely and relevant innovations aimed at solving main challenges in the agriculture sector”, said Kirichu. To achieve this, he continued “FAO will continue developing an enabling environment and enhancing national agriculture research institutions and rural extension services through the provision of policy advice and technical assistance in Malawi”.

Among other solutions, the session recommended building capacity of stakeholder panels at district, area, and village level in articulating research demands as well as tracking progress of research activities implemented by external and farmer organizations within the communities.

The team also proposed reconfiguring the agriculture technology steering committee to embrace a new mandate of coordinating and supporting innovation in the broader sense by providing an enabling environment to diverse categories of innovators including natural and social scientists, private individuals and organisations, and farmer organisations.

The National Policy Dialogue on Research Capacity for Sustainable Agri-food Systems in the Context of the Agricultural Innovation System was organized with funding from the European Union by the Department of Agriculture Extension Services and FAO Malawi with technical support from FAO’s Office of Innovation.

Prepared by Given Chichitike

Participants pose for a group photo during the National Policy Dialogue on Research Capacity for Sustainable Agri-food Systems in Lilongwe, Malawi. (c) FAO/Given Chichitike

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