The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP)

International Technical Webinar: Tropical Agriculture Platform: Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems

Tropical Agriculture Platform: Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems


The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) is a G20 initiative, officially launched in 2012 and composed of 52 Partners, with the mandate to work towards bridging the capacity gap for agricultural innovation in the tropics. Its objective is to increase coherence and effectiveness of capacity development interventions for agricultural innovation systems.TAP major achievements include the development and piloting of a Common Framework on Capacity Development for AIS and development of a knowledge platform, TAPipedia. The TAP Common Framework was piloted and then scaled up in two EU-funded projects: CDAIS and TAP-AIS.

This international technical webinar is part of the series organized by the FAO elearning Academy. These webinars are an opportunity for all of us to share experiences and lessons learnt, discuss challenges, and propose innovative solutions and models. They aim to provide a holistic and comprehensive view of current trends in thematic areas related to global challenges, by combining development, research, and innovation perspectives.
The main objective of these technical webinars is to give practitioners the opportunity to interact with international experts, United Nations officers, University professors, researchers and fellow participants, throughout the world. Webinars can be attended as interactive online sessions on Zoom, where sharing perspectives and asking questions to experts is encouraged. These sessions are also recorded and therefore available at any time, through the FAO elearning Academy: .
The webinar will be held in English.


  • Understand key concepts of Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS);
  • Define the concepts and application of the TAP Common Framework on Capacity Development for AIS, and how TAP addresses capacity gaps in the tropics; and
  • Illustrate methods and tools to conduct capacity needs assessments, strengthen organizational capacities and the enabling environment for innovation, and perform monitoring, evaluation, and learning.


This technical webinar will be delivered by Mr Selvaraju Ramasamy (FAO), Ms Manuela Bucciarelli (FAO), Dr Rasheed Sulaiman V (CRISP India), Dr Abdulrazak Ibrahim (FARA), Ms Karen Montiel (IICA-CATIE), Mr Sylvain Perret (Agrinatura), Ms Syndhia Mathé (CIRAD), and Mr Adam Kabango (Malawi's FAO TAP AIS). The webinar will be moderated by Ms Cristina Petracchi, Head of the FAO elearning Academy.


The webinar is free and open to everyone.
To join the webinar session on Zoom, kindly register here.
We suggest you to use Google Chrome in order to join the webinar.

We also recommend you to check your time zone here.

Please note that webinars have a limit of 1 000 simultaneous participants. For every webinar we will proceed with providing access to the first 1 000 registered participants.

The FAO elearning Academy webinars are always recorded, and the recordings are accessible, at anytime, through the FAO eleraning Academy:

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