La Plate-forme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP)

Niveau régional

Au niveau régional, le projet TAP-AIS soutient les organisations régionales de recherche et de vulgarisation (ORRV) en Afrique, en Asie-Pacifique et en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes pour renforcer les capacités des systèmes nationaux d'innovation agricole. Les ORRV ont mené des évaluations rapides conjointes et, sur la base des lacunes identifiées dans leurs régions et entre les régions, ils ont adapté et intégré les outils et approches TAP dans leurs programmes de travail. Les ORRV ont mis en œuvre des formations participatives, publié et partagé de bonnes pratiques, partagé des expériences, des outils pratiques et facilité des groupes de travail multipartites sur des sujets techniques très pertinents tels que l'enseignement supérieur et l'agroécologie, tout en intégrant des approches pour renforcer les capacités fonctionnelles basées sur le Cadre Commun de la TAP. Le soutien fourni par le projet TAP-AIS renforce les capacités des ORRV à remplir leurs mandats vis-à-vis des constituants nationaux et renforce le partage des connaissances et la collaboration entre les ORRV au sein et entre les régions.


Regional Brief 1 - Strengthening the contribution of agricultural research, extension, and education in mainstreaming agroecology in the Asia-Pacific (2024)

Regional Brief 2 - Mainstreaming agroecology in agricultural education (2024)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.1 on Institutional Innovations Strengthening The Farmer Producer Organization Ecosystem For Farmer Prosperity (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2023)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.2 on Institutional Innovations Fostering Green Growth Through Solar Cooperative (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2023)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.3 on Institutional Innovations Shaping Farmers For Tomorrow: Innovation In Agricultural Education In South Korea (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2023)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.4 on Institutional Innovations Institutional innovation to facilitate low-cost organic certification – How participatory guarantee systems (PGS) work in Vietnam (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2023)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.5 on Institutional Innovations Competitive Research Grants: Learning from Krishi Gobeshona Foundation, Bangladesh (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2024)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.6 on Institutional Innovations Catalysing grassroot entrepreneurship through satellite incubation centres in India (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2024)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.1. Promoting sustainable agriculture through green extension in Lao People's Democratic Republic (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.2. Strengthening capacities to innovate through North-South collaborative agricultural research in Papua New Guinea (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.3. Multi-stakeholder approaches for enhancing command area water productivity In India (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.4. Enhancing organizational and functional capacities of producer organizations in India through strategic collaboration (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.5. Strengthening last mile service delivery to support smallholder farmers in India (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.6. Promoting community-driven innovations in the forested uplands of the Philippines (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.7. Promoting Climate Sensitive Innovations in The Mekong Delta through diversified Public-Private Partnership (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

Guía para el fortalecimiento de las capacidades funcionales para la innovación en la agricultura (FAO and IICA, 2022)

Joint rapid appraisal on strengthening agricultural innovation systems in Africa, Asia and Latin America by regional research and extension organizations (2021)

Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa. Proceedings of the Consultative Meeting - 16 September 2021 (2021)