The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP)

TAP-AIS publications

The following documents have been published in the context of the TAP-AIS project


Key achievements towards strengthening national agricultural innovation systems - Collection of posters from the TAP-AIS project (2023)

Assessing agricultural innovation systems: a training manual (2022)

Assessing agricultural innovation systems for action at country level. A preliminary framework  (2022)

A preview of action-orientated assessment of agricultural innovation systems (2022)

Documenting and scaling up knowledge and innovations – Guidelines and templates (2022)

Assessment of Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) – a contribution to develop STI roadmaps for SDGs (2021)

The TAP-AIS - Developing capacities in agricultural innovation systems: scaling up the Tropical Agriculture Platform Framework (2021)

Le projet TAP-AIS. Développer les capacités pour les systèmes d’innovation agricole : transposition à plus grande échelle de la Plateforme pour l’agriculture tropicale (2021)

El proyecto TAP-AIS. Desarrollo de capacidades para los sistemas de innovación agrícola: ampliar la escala del Marco de la Plataforma de Agricultura Tropical (2021)

How to assess agricultural innovation systems in a transformation perspective: a Delphi consensus study. Article by Toillier, A., Mathé, S., Saley Moussa, A., & Faure, G. in The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1-23.  (2021)


Good practices in capacity development for agricultural innovation systems (by RELASER and IICA, realized with support of FAO, 2024)

  1. Virtual rural extension to challenge frontiers (also available in Spanish)
  2. Co-innovation to promote the pulque tradition in Jiquipilco, Mexico (also available in Spanish)
  3. Building a sustainable productive future (also available in Spanish)
  4. Los Alpes agroecological school (also available in Spanish)
  5. Beekeeping as a model of integrating STEM solutions in schools (also available in Spanish)
  6. Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees (MTAS) (also available in Spanish)
  7. Alternative animal feed and self-management catalize the success and competitiveness of integrated farms (also available in Spanish)

Regional Briefs (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO)

  1. Strengthening the contribution of agricultural research, extension, and education in mainstreaming agroecology in the Asia-Pacific (2024)
  2. Mainstreaming agroecology in agricultural education (2024)

Good Practice Notes on Institutional Innovations (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO)

  1. Strengthening The Farmer Producer Organization Ecosystem For Farmer Prosperity (2023)
  2. Fostering Green Growth Through Solar Cooperative (2023)
  3. Shaping Farmers For Tomorrow: Innovation In Agricultural Education In South Korea (2023)
  4. Institutional innovation to facilitate low-cost organic certification – How participatory guarantee systems (PGS) work in Vietnam (2023)
  5. Competitive Research Grants: Learning from Krishi Gobeshona Foundation, Bangladesh (2024)
  6. Catalysing grassroot entrepreneurship through satellite incubation centres in India (2024)

Good Practice Notes (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO)

  1. Promoting sustainable agriculture through green extension in Lao People's Democratic Republic (2022)
  2. Strengthening capacities to innovate through North-South collaborative agricultural research in Papua New Guinea (2022)
  3. Multi-stakeholder approaches for enhancing command area water productivity In India (2022)
  4. Enhancing organizational and functional capacities of producer organizations in India through strategic collaboration (2022)
  5. Strengthening last mile service delivery to support smallholder farmers in India (2022)
  6. Promoting community-driven innovations in the forested uplands of the Philippines (2022)
  7. Promoting Climate Sensitive Innovations in The Mekong Delta through diversified Public-Private Partnership (2022)

Policy brief on Strengthening university curricula in Latin America (by RELASER and IICA, realized with support of FAO, 2024) (available also in Spanish)

Guía para el fortalecimiento de las capacidades funcionales para la innovación en la agricultura (FAO and IICA, 2022)

Joint rapid appraisal on strengthening agricultural innovation systems in Africa, Asia and Latin America by regional research and extension organizations (2021)

Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa. Proceedings of the Consultative Meeting - 16 September 2021 (2021)


Burkina Faso




Lao People's Democratic Republic



