WaPOR uses applications catalogue
Layers Used

Results: 83

Remote Sensing-Based Agricultural Water Accounting for the North Jordan Valley

In this study, WaPOR data was used in agricultural water accounting to assess levels of agricultural water consumption and to provide possible solutions for water deficiency in the North Jordan Valley. This study also validates WaPOR data with existing consolidated products and ground data, to evaluate its suitability for such an exercise.

Type: Case study,Resource
Location: Jordan
Application: Assessing/monitoring the water consumption of crops, Assessing/monitoring water resources, Evaluation
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), LCC (Land Cover Classification), P (Precipitation)
Scale used: 100m, 250m
Organization/institution: The University of Jordan, University of Naples Federico II, FAO, Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Language: English

IREY (Irrigation Reference to Enhance Yield)

The Smart Irrigation App “IREY” was developed to provide real-time irrigation schedules in Tunisia for selected crops (i.e., wheat, barley, sugar beets, oats and corn). Irrigation schedules in the Smartphone App and on the web are based on water balance methodology using weather data from multiple resources. Crop evapotranspiration, ETc, is calculated by multiplying the reference crop evapotranspiration, ETo issued from the WAPOR platform, by a local crop coefficient, Kc which is applied based on time after planting, calendar month, and a crop’s phenological stage. The WaPOR ET data generally has good correlation with ET estimated from in-situ meteorological measurements at each tested site in Tunisia. The correlation at all sites was good to very good (0.85-0.98) and confirms results published by FAO (2020) in the Technical report on the data quality of the WaPOR FAO database version 2. These findings indicate that ET WaPOR is a high quality input for our IREY model.

Type: Case study,Resource
Location: Tunisia
Application: Assessing/monitoring the water consumption of crops, Monitoring and supporting decisions to improve irrigation, Providing advisory services to farmers, Supporting solutions to reduce yield and productivity gaps, Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Layers used: E (Evaporation), T (Transpiration)
Scale used: 250m
Organization/institution: INGC (Institut National des Grandes Cultures)
Language: Arabic, English, French

Change in agricultural indicators 2009-2020 (GEE dashboard)

This web-based app provides the average value of six agricultural indicators over the period 2009-2020 and the percentage change over the period based on WaPOR data.

Type: Resource,WaterPIP
Application: Assessing/monitoring changes in agricultural production, Assessing/monitoring the impact of a stressor (drought conflict … ) on agriculture, Assessing/monitoring water and/or land productivity, Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), GBWP (Gross Biomass Water Productivity), P (Precipitation), RET (Reference Evapotranspiration), TBP (Total Biomass Production)
Scale used: 250m
Organization/institution: MetaMeta
Language: English

Operational framework to predict field level crop biomass using remote sensing and data driven models

An operational framework was developed to predict field crop biomass using high resolution multi-source satellite data. Five regression algorithms were tested to assess their suitability to predict field scale sugarcane biomass production in the Wonji-Shoa estate, Ethiopia. The results showed that linear regression models outperformed non-linear machine learning models with 89% accuracy achieved 4 months before harvest.

Type: Resource
Location: Ethiopia
Application: Assessing/monitoring changes in agricultural production, Assessing/monitoring water and/or land productivity, Evaluation
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), NPP (Net Primary Production)
Organization/institution: IHE Delft, Wageningen University
Language: English

WAPlugin (for QGIS)

A plugin for the open-source GIS software that allows users to download WaPOR data directly onto the QGIS canvas and offers the possibility of calculating some water accounting and productivity indicators based on WaPOR data.   

Type: Resource,WaterPIP
Application: Assessing/monitoring changes in agricultural production, Assessing/monitoring the water consumption of crops, Assessing/monitoring water and/or land productivity, Monitoring and supporting decisions to improve irrigation, Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), E (Evaporation), GBWP (Gross Biomass Water Productivity), I (Interception), LCC (Land Cover Classification), NBWP (Net Biomass Water Productivity), NPP (Net Primary Production), P (Precipitation), Phe (Phenology), qLCC (quality Land Cover Classification), qLST (quality Leaf Surface Temperature), qNDVI (quality Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), RET (Reference Evapotranspiration), T (Transpiration), TBP (Total Biomass Production)
Scale used: 30m, 100m, 250m
Organization/institution: Various
Language: English

A framework for irrigation performance assessment using WaPOR data: the case of a sugarcane estate in Mozambique

In this paper, WaPOR data was agronomically validated and used to compute seasonal indicators for the period 2015 to 2018 in a sugar estate in Mozambique. The WaPOR-based yield estimates were found to be comparable to the estate-measured yields The assessment highlights that in Xinavane no single irrigation method performs the best across all performance indicators.  While this study is done for sugarcane in one irrigation scheme, the approach can be broadened to compare other crops across fields or irrigation schemes across Africa with diverse management units in the different agroclimatic zones within FAO WaPOR coverage. The authors of the study conclude that the framework is useful for assessing irrigation performance using the WaPOR dataset.

Type: Case study,WaterPIP
Location: Mozambique
Application: Analyzing yield and/or water productivity gaps, Assessing/monitoring changes in agricultural production, Assessing/monitoring the water consumption of crops, Assessing/monitoring water and/or land productivity, Supporting solutions to reduce yield and productivity gaps, Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), E (Evaporation), GBWP (Gross Biomass Water Productivity), I (Interception), NPP (Net Primary Production), T (Transpiration)
Scale used: 100m
Organization/institution: IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Xinavane estate, Inclusive Agri-Food Value Chain Development Programme (PROCAVA), VanderSat B. V.
Language: English

MAPME: maps for planning, monitoring and evaluation in development cooperation

MAPME is an initiative by KfW, MapTailor Geospatial Consulting, and Agence Française de Développement to provide free and open access to GIS tools and Earth observation in international development cooperation. MAPME repositories contain R codes allow the users to generate various statistics on land use / land cover and vegetation trends to gain insights in a given project area. Currently there are 3 repositories; mapme.agriculture is the R package that supports users to query, download and process data from the FAO WaPOR API. The package helps to quickly query and download the necessary data files to conduct an analysis of agricultural productivity related to biomass production and the amount of water used by crops and other vegetation types.

Type: Resource
Application: Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Organization/institution: KfW, MapTailor Geospatial Consulting, Agence Française de Développement
Language: English

A Practical Farmers’ Toolkit – Geodata for Climate Smart Agriculture in Egypt

The 'Farmers Toolkit' as presented in this project contains various geodata tools applicable for farmers to assist their decision-making and adopt climate smart agricultural practices, WaPOR data being one of the them. This project aims at training extension officers in the use of these geodata tools. In addition to WaPOR, other tools are: Flying Sensors, irrigation advisory services (IrriWatch portal), Google Earthengine Apps, and Climate Risk Assessments. The training providers consortium (FutureWater, IrriWatch, Delphy, Cairo University and HiView) are tailoring the activities towards the requirements of the selected beneficiaries which are private companies, consultants, and NGO's active as extension officers in the agricultural sector of Egypt. The training program is a unique combination of face-to-face training, online teaching, and field schools conducted throughout the growing season of 2021. This project trained extension users in the use of the smartphone application IRWI for the irrigation of corn fields in Egypt.  

Type: Case study
Location: Egypt
Application: Monitoring and supporting decisions to improve irrigation, Providing advisory services to farmers, Supporting solutions to reduce yield and productivity gaps, Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Organization/institution: IrriWatch, Delphy, Cairo University, HiView, FutureWater
Language: English


It is a suite of Python tools that permit the retrieval, the aggregation, the analysis, the visualization and the dissemination of FAO WaPOR water productivity data. The package is an attempt to provide users with a starting point with which to start producing actionable data from the the WaPOR datasets in a quick and repeatable manner. It provides the building blocks for customized tool development to target specific user needs including a framework for irrigation performance analysis. 

Type: Resource,WaterPIP
Application: Analyzing yield and/or water productivity gaps, Assessing/monitoring changes in agricultural production, Assessing/monitoring the water consumption of crops, Assessing/monitoring water and/or land productivity, Monitoring and supporting decisions to improve irrigation, Supporting solutions to reduce yield and productivity gaps, Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Organization/institution: eLEAF
Language: English

Utility of Copernicus-Based Inputs for Actual Evapotranspiration Modeling in Support of Sustainable Water Use in Agriculture

  This paper seeks to demontstrate the fitness of Copernicus data in quantifying spatial and temporal patterns of the actual evapotranspiration (ET) which can serve as a direct proxy of crop water use. It posits that, if used to the fullest extent, Copernicus satellite and modelled data can outperform existing ET products derived from remote sensing in terms of spatial-scale consistency, including WaPOR data. 

Type: Resource
Application: Assessing/monitoring the water consumption of crops, Evaluation, Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception)
Scale used: 30m, 100m, 250m
Organization/institution: DHI GRAS, COMPLUTIG, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Instituto Técnico Agronómico Provincial (ITAP), Olive Tree Institute, Université de Toulouse
Language: English
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