Water efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the NENA regions (WEPS-NENA)

NENA ET-Network

FAO-RNE in collaboration with the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), has recently activated a NENA Regional Network of field actual Evapotranspiration (Eta) monitoring including Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.

The objective of the NENA ET-Network is to build a common understanding and methodology on Eta measurements, in the field and through Remote Sensing (RS), on accuracy assessments of RS Eta data of different databases and on their analysis and use for agricultural-related applications (e.g. water accounting, water productivity, water management, etc..).

By establishing this ET network, the following outputs are expected:

  • Members of the network became fully familiar with the ET-Network measurement protocols using different methods including CORDOVA-ET and they can properly and accurately collect, analyze and disseminate the obtained data to relevant stakeholders for better regional water planning;
  • ET-Network members communicate with each other to exchange generated data and knowledge;
  • Regional dataset on Eta mapping developed for better advise the decision makers in the region.


For more information on the network, please click here. 

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