Water efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the NENA regions (WEPS-NENA)


Only the main events organized in the country are summarized in the table below.  See also the country results.





Scoping phase, inception and country preparation



Five representatives from the national multidisciplinary team of the water scarcity initiative participated in the regional projects inception workshop hosted in Egypt.

Web story: A roadmap towards Water Sustainability in the NENA Region



A water accounting mission was done by two international water accounting experts from FAO and IHE delft, to set the basis of the implementation of the water accounting component together with the  national focal point from the Ministry of Energy and Water, and his team.





A water productivity national focal point participated in a technical meeting on water productivity organized as part of the setting of the collaborative platform on water productivity of the WSI by a regional FAO project (TCP/RAB/3602).


Beirut, Akkar, Bekka valley

A technical mission was implemented that initiated the implementation of the activities of the two joint regional projects (RNE-WEPS and TCP/RAB/36020) and the collaboration with Lebanese activities of the WaPOR project (water accounting and productivity using remote sensing) with a meeting with the Lebanese national multidisciplinary team of the water scarcity initiative acting as an advisory board.


Beirut, Akkar

A technical mission was implemented with the aim of scoping the work on farmer experimentation using the Farmer Field Schools approach. Furthermore, the pilot sites were selected.


Beirut, Nahr El Kalb, Bekka valley

A technical mission was implemented with the aim of scoping the rapid water accounting work in Nahr El Kalb catchment by the project, and a collaboration with the WaPOR project in the Bekka valley. This was a joint mission between FAO with IWMI representing the WaPOR project.



Jan. – Dec.

Nahr El Kalb

Implementation of the first cycle of the water accounting assessment, the rapid water accounting using existing data sets and expert knowledge in the Nahr El Kalb watershed site. Implemented by a national consultant with a team from MoEW

May – Dec.


Two Farmer Field Schools involving 50 farmers were implemented over one crop season with one meeting a week around good agricultural practices for improved water productivity for the tomato crop under greenhouses. Implemented by CONCERN with MoA extension.

Mar. - April


Two Lebanese participants attended the Land and Water Days and its high level ministerial section organized by the LAS and FAO.



One Lebanese representative from LARI attended the regional training on ET measurement and the use of the ET Cordova station by UCO with the installation of the ET Cordova station in Zankalon site in Egypt. Twenty-five participants attended from Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

Apr. – Oct.



Two Lebanese representatives from the MoA participated in a regional training on crop mapping using remote sensing, and as part of the training country teams collected data points in one site over two seasons, prepared a crop map using remote sensing, and presented results to the government.



FAO implemented a technical mission to support CONCERN for the Training of Trainers on FFS approach and the selection of the demonstration plots.


Stockholm, Sweden

One Lebanese from the country water productivity team participated in the WaPOR seminar organised during the Stockholm Water week.


Cordoba , Spain

Two Lebanese representatives from the country water accounting team participated in a specialised regional training on Cordova ET fabrication and installation.



Two Lebanese representatives from the country water accounting team participated in project sessions at Cairo Water Week and specifically a regional training on advanced water accounting-introduction for analysts (40 participants).



A preliminary baseline on crop water productivity for strategic crops from national literature was produced and presented at the Regional Water Productivity Conference in Tunis, Tunisia.



Two Lebanese representatives from LARI participated in a regional training on establishing and operating a regional network for field measurement of actual crop water consumption (evapotranspiration) organised by ICARDA.


Various events and trainings planned were in March – April, but had to be postponed due to CoVID-19 restrictions.



FAO in collaboration with IWMI convened a two-day workshop on Rapid Water Accounting and Advanced Water Accounting.  The main objective was to review the lessons learned on using water accounting in Jordan and explore the way to improve its relevance through more advanced systems. This training targeted professional (junior and middle level) from different governmental sectors in Jordan and Palestine, who will be responsible of doing, collaborating in and collecting information for WA activities. Eighteen participants attended of which 50 percent were women.

Web story: Using Water Accounting in the NENA region: Strengthening capacities in Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine



Country Wide

Presentation of the project results to key country stakeholders was done through a Zoom webinar. The session presented in particular the rapid water accounting for the Nahr El Kalb catchment, the Farmer Field Schools in Akkar, and the ET monitoring done in the Bekka valley.




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