Efficacité, productivité et durabilité de l'eau dans la région NENA

Actualités Pays

Water Governance Analysis in the Al-Kalb River Basin in Lebanon: Opportunities amid unprecedented challenges - August 2022

Water-related challenges are core obstacles to sustainable, resilient and inclusive development, especially in developing countries, and Lebanon is no exception. Multiple barriers still hinder the delivery of water in adequate quantity and quality to different users while ensuring sustainable management of water resources. Studies have consistently shown that problems related to the governance and political economy of water are among the root causes leading to poor service delivery outcomes, and hence, more vulnerabilities in the water sector. The consequences are enormous, potentially irreversible, and cutting across sectors with rippling effects on agriculture, health, gender equality, education, economic prosperity, and many more.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of Lebanon concludes the training of facilitators on Farmer Field Schools and distributes certificates to participants - March 2022

Today, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Lebanon, in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, concluded the training of facilitators for the Farmers Field Schools, which lasted eight consecutive days. Twenty-eight facilitators from the Ministry of Agriculture and from the Industrial Development and Research Agro- Center (IDRAC) service center of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Tripoli (CCIAT) received their facilitator certificate today, in the presence of Etienne Careme, FAO Representative a.i in Lebanon, Alexandra Santillana, Senior Development Officer of the Embassy of Canada, Mariam Eid, PSDP Focal Point of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and Linda Sultan, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture of Tripoli and North Lebanon.

Rapid Water Accounting assessment in the Nahr El-Kalb River Basin - determining data gaps and capacity building needs- May 2021

Agriculture in Lebanon is by far the largest consumer of freshwater resources, with 61 percent of total water consumption, followed by 30 percent for municipal use and nine percent for industrial use. With the deteriorating quality of surface water and the lack of adequate water networks, farmers are increasingly relying on groundwater sources and increasing the pressure on water resources. According to the 2017-2020 Lebanon Crisis Response Plan, the demand for safe water access and wastewater management services has risen by 30 percent and contamination has reached two-thirds of the country’s water resources, thus exacerbating environmental concerns and limits water availability.

Using Water Accounting in the NENA region: Strengthening capacities in Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine - February 2020

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the national governmental organizations managing water resources in the participating countries, organized and successfully completed a training program for 40 participants in Jordan and Lebanon on Rapid and Advanced Water Accounting, as well as a national water accounting workshop in Palestine, where 40 participants attended. This activity falls within the project ‘Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in NENA countries’, implemented by FAO with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.


