Water efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the NENA regions (WEPS-NENA)


Only the main events organized in the country or for country partners are summarized in the table below.





Scoping phase, inception and country preparation.


Cairo, Egypt

Five representatives from the national multidisciplinary team of the water scarcity initiative participated in the regional project inception workshop hosted in Egypt.

Web story: A roadmap towards Water Sustainability in the NENA Region



A technical mission by two international experts from FAO and UCO was carried out to set the basis of the implementation of the Water Accounting (WA) and Water Productivity (WP) component together with the national focal point from the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Moroccan NMDT.


Setting the country team and site selection for local assessments.


Cairo, Egypt

A national WP focal point participated in a technical meeting on WP organized as part of the setting of the collaborative platform on WP of the WSI by another FAO project.


Rabat, Berrechid, Agadir

A technical mission was implemented to initiate the implementation of the activities of the two joined regional projects (RNE-WEPS and TCP/RAB/36020) with a meeting of the Moroccan NMDT of the WSI acting as an advisory board, with a multi stakeholder group in Berrechid and Souss Massa.



A Farmer Field School (FFS) on the carrot value chain was established, and specialized trainings were implemented along the crop season and the soil storage season.



A national workshop on policy coherence for sustainable development: Nexus water-agriculture-energy, was organized by FAO with MoA and the water secretariat.



A technical mission was organized on the institutional analysis of farmer organizations for a sustainable management of the Berrechid aquifer





An informative meeting on FFS’s in Berrechid was implemented, with 27 participants attending including farmers representatives, IAV Hassan II, MoA, ONCA and ABH.

Jan. – Oct.


One FFS was implemented involving 20 farmers over one carrot crop season with one meeting a week around good agricultural practices for improved water productivity and water consumption metering along the crop season and soil storage season.

Jan. – Dec.


The first cycle of the water accounting assessment – rapid water accounting using existing data sets and expert knowledge was implemented in Berrechid Aquifer watershed. This activity was implemented by IAV Hassan II with ABH Bourereg-Chaouia.




Cairo, Egypt

Two Moroccan participants attended the Land and Water Days and its high level ministerial section organized by the LAS and FAO.

April – Oct.


Tunisia , Morocco and Jordan

(site – Berrechid)

Two Moroccan participants from the MoA and IAV Hassan II participated in a regional training for trainers on crop mapping using remote sensing. During the training, the country teams collected data points in one site over one season, prepared a crop map using remote sensing, and presented the results to the government.


Souss Massa

The first Nexus Dialogue - Assessing Water Sustainability using a Water-Food-Energy-Climate-Ecosystems Nexus analytical framework, was implemented in collaboration with Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), where 30 participants from different sectors and institutions attended.


Rabat, Berrechid

The economic water productivity assessment of the carrot value chainwas launched, and an initial training on FAO methodologies was implemented. This activity was implemented by IAV Hassan II and data collection took place in Berrechid.



A technical mission was carried out to backstop FFS implementation, curriculum, and the selection of the demonstration plots.


Cordoba , Spain

Participation of two Moroccan representatives of the country water accounting team in a specialised regional training on Cordova ET fabrication and installation.


Souss Massa, Berrechid

On the job Training was carried out on RWA for the Souss Massa water accounting team and Berrechid water accounting team


Cairo, Al Minia, Egypt

Participation of four Moroccan representatives of the country water accounting teams in project sessions at Cairo Water Week and a regional training on advanced water accounting - introduction for analysts.


Tunis, Tunisia

A preliminary baseline on crop water productivity for strategic crops from national literature was produced and presented at the Regional Water Productivity Conference in Tunisia.


Tunis, Tunisia

Participation of three Moroccan representatives of the ET network team in a regional training on establishing and operating a regional network for field measurement of actual crop water consumption, organized by ICARDA for the WSI.


Various events and trainings were planned in 2020, but had to be postponed due to CoVID 19.



Training for facilitators on FFS methodology was implemented to 25 extension engineers participating from all the country.


Souss Massa

The second Nexus Dialogue - Hand on NEXUS water-food-energy analysis in Souss Massa was implemented, in collaboration with SEI and KTH, where 30 participants from different sectors and institutions attended. The event enabled to present preliminary nexus model results that illustrate the tradeoffs and potential synergies in developing policies and infrastructure to increase the overall water-energy-food security.


Souss Massa

A technical backstopping mission was implemented on RWA for the High Souss with ORMWA, ABH and the local team.



A technical backstopping mission was implemented on RWA for the Berrechid-Chaoiua aquifer with IAV Hassan II and ABH.



A presentation of RWA in Berrechid Aquifer was done in the RNE webinar series on water accounting in action by Ms Meknessi from IAV Hassan II.



Five technical days for FFS’s were organized by IAV Hassan II around irrigation, pest management, and fertilization.



A presentation of the project results to key country stakeholders was carried out virtually through Zoom. The session presented in particular results from the RWA, the FFS’s, and the ET monitoring done for the Berrechid aquifer as well as the Nexus work in Souss Massa.

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