Efficacité, productivité et durabilité de l'eau dans la région NENA

Actualités du pays

FAO strengthens capacity of Agriculture extension and training agency in Farmer Field Schools approach - September 2022

The FAO representation in Tunisia within the framework of the project "Improvement of water efficiency and productivity and its sustainability in the NENA region" organized a national training workshop on the methodology of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture. Held from the 5th to the 9th ofSeptember, the training brought together about thirty extension workers from different governorates of the country, affiliated to the Agriculture Extension and Training Agency (AVFA). The main objective of this workshop was to familiarize the stakeholders with this extension approach and ultimately create a pool of national experts capable of conducting sessions and accompanying farmers in the implementation of agricultural best practices important to the development of their activities and the preservation of natural resources.

NENA ET-Network, regional Evapotranspiration Measurement Network expands - August 2022

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations established a regional evapotranspiration measurement network “NENA ET-Network” in eight countries of the NENA region in partnership with the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) (coordinating) and the University of Cordoba (Spain) supporting with the ET–Cordova instrument. The ET Network was launched in 2019 with 5 pilot countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine). In each country a reference station has been selected where different instruments are used to measure the crop evapotranspiration and support the improvement of remote sensing based measurements. One of the standard instrument introduced in each reference station is the “ET-Cordova” a cost effective agro-meteo station completed with several sensors to enable automatic measurement and calculation of the real water consumption of crops (ETa). This affordable technology is designed to allow users to develop and maintain it themselves.

FAO raises awareness on the importance of water through the Water Caravan in Tunisia - July 2022

Under the “Every Drop Counts” campaign, the FAO representation in Tunisia has initiated the “Water Caravan” an awareness-raising activity that aims to introduce the general public (students, school children, farmers, policy-makers, etc.) to the concepts of water sustainability and the calculation of the indirect and direct water footprint. This activity is implemented under the regional project “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/ productivity and water sustainability in the Near East and North Africa countries”. The Caravan was launched in the margins of the World Water Day annual celebration on the 22nd of March 2022 and have been travelling across the country’s governorates ever since, reaching different publics, promoting simple actions adapted to each audience with the aim of preserving this rare and precious resource. 

FAO supports the establishment of a master's degree in water productivity in Tunisia- July 2022

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  (FAO) in Tunisia has supported the establishment of a master's degree in water productivity through a partnership between the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia and the Office of Planning and Hydraulic Balances (BPEH) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Hydraulic Resources and Maritime Fishing. This master’s degree is the first of its kind in the Mediterranean region, and aims to strengthen the capacities and enrich the practical skills of professionals operating in the sectors of water management and agricultural production so that they can integrate the concepts of water productivity, efficiency and sustainability in their work.

FAO in the International Conference on Soil and Water Resources Management to Combat Desertification in Drylands - June 2022

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) representation in Tunisia has contributed to the organization of the International Conference on Soil and Water Resources Management to Combat Desertification in Drylands (SWDCC) 2022 by the Institute of Arid Regions of Medenine from 14 to 17 June 2022 in the island of Djerda. 200 participants coming mainly from the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, attended the conference with the main aim of presenting, defending and discussing their research work around the five themes of the conference:

FAO supports the institutionalization of water accounting in Tunisia - June 2022

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) representation in Tunisia organized a national workshop on water accounting and auditing (water governance) from 21st  to 23rd  May 2022 with the main objective of presenting the water accounting and auditing analyses of the Mejerda River. The three-day workshop was attended by 65 participants including members of the national water accounting team from the Ministry of Agriculture and its regional agricultural development commissariats.

FAO is supporting the update of the Irrigation Management mobile application of the Institute of Field Crops in Tunisia - October 2021

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Tunisia supported the Tunisian National Institute of Field Crops (INGC) to update the mobile irrigation management application "Irey". Dedicated for Tunisian cereal growers, this application allows farmers to register for an online platform and thereby receive personalized notifications and recommendations concerning irrigation periods and the quantities required.

Also available in FRENCH.

Water accounting process is ongoing at the strategic basin of the Medjerda in Tunisia - September 2021

September 2021 - FAO in Tunisia has supported the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries in setting up a multidisciplinary team specializing in water accounting. This national team will be responsible for carrying out the water accounting exercise in a sub-basin of the Medjerda.

Also available in ARABIC and FRENCH.

 J’ai une meilleure maitrise de mon oliveraie grâce au champ-école producteur de la FAO- JUILLET 2021

Voyant qu'il n'était pas possible de retourner à l'école pour apprendre de mieux gérer ma parcelle d'oliviers, c'est l'école qui est venue à moi » a déclaré Mohamed Mouldi, oléiculteur de la délégation d'El Ksour au Kairouan, un gouvernorat situé au centre de la Tunisie et membre du champ école producteur mis en place, depuis 2019, par l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) dans le cadre du projet régional pour l’amélioration de l’efficience et la productivité de l’eau et sa durabilité dans les pays de la région du Proche Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord.

FAO appui une nouvelle startup qui facilite l’accès au marché aux petites agricultrices et artisanes Tunisiennes - JUIN 2021

Nous avons imaginé une plate-forme qui connecte les petites agricultrices et artisanes, qui les aide à mieux gérer les problèmes liés à l'eau et à l'irrigation et leur donne une meilleure chance d'accéder aux marchés formels », ont déclaré Marwa et Saoussen, deux étudiantes tunisiennes, lauréates du Hackathon organisé lors d'une conférence régionale organisée par l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture.

Formation nationale sur le calibrage et la validation du modèle de la productivité de l’eau : Aquacrop _ Mars 2021

L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO) a organisé une formation sur le modèle de la productivité de l'eau des cultures AquaCrop au profit d’une vingtaine d’ingénieurs et professionnels de l’Institut National des grandes cultures et de différentes directions techniques du ministère de l’agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques et de la pêche en Tunisie. Cette session s’inscrit dans le cadre du partenariat établi entre la FAO et l’Institut National des grandes cultures (INGC) au travers lequel, l’institut mettra en œuvre des activités visant à améliorer l’état des connaissances et les mesures et le suivi de la productivité de l’eau des céréales.

La FAO conclut sa conférence régionale sur l’amélioration de la productivité de l’eau dans l’agriculture sous le signe d’innovation

Avec des idées innovatrices de jeunes tunisiens, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) a conclu en Tunisie la Conférence régionale sur l’amélioration de la productivité de l’eau dans l’agriculture dans la région du Proche-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord.

La FAO lance la conférence régionale sur l’amélioration de la productivité de l’eau dans l’agriculture

L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) a inauguré aujourd’hui en Tunisie la Conférence régionale sur l’amélioration de la productivité de l’eau dans l’agriculture dans la région du Proche-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord.

La FAO organise une conférence régionale sur l’amélioration de la productivité de l’eau dans l’agriculture

L'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a annoncé que la Conférence régionale sur l'amélioration de la productivité de l'eau dans l'agriculture se tiendra en Tunisie du 3 au 6 décembre 2019.

FAO strengthens monitoring of cultivated land in Jendouba

FAO is conducting training on remote sensing-based crop mapping for qualified Tunisian staff and agricultural engineers representing different directorates of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries. The overall perspective of this training is to be part of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability. The workshop is the culmination of a training program developed within the framework of a Swedish International Cooperation Agency (SIDA) project. The training sessions, which were initiated in April 2018 and went on through September 2018, were designed and developed in collaboration with private sector service providers Nieuwland and eLeaf. 


