Water efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the NENA regions (WEPS-NENA)

Regional Water Accounting Training & Synthesis Workshop

This regional event on water accounting is organized as two sets of events (each over a period of 3 days) with the objectives of: 1) reviewing the learning status of the regional training on advanced water accounting; and 2) discussing findings and tools with a broader group of stakeholders interested in institutionalization of water accounting in some NENA countries.

Organizers: FAO's Water Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability (WEPS-NENA) project and IHE-Delft Institute for Water Education. 


Between 2020 and 2022, a specialized Regional Training Program has been implemented by IHE delft in a series of seven activities (Figure 1). These activities build on earlier courses and experiences gained during the earlier WA cycle for conducting water accounting analyses, and then further develop participants’ abilities with courses that teach advanced skills and specific technical knowledge about water accounting. The participants are also provided distance coaching, where they learn from and work with the water accounting specialists on specific skill-building assignments. The Training will be closed with the final event face to face.  A Regional Workshop will follow the final event of the training to build on the lessons learned and reflect on future prospects for water accounting for operationalizing and institutionalizing the approach in the NENA region.

This regional workshop on water accounting aims to discuss findings and tools with a broader group of stakeholders interested in its institutionalization in some NENA countries, the main objectives are:


  • Presenting a summary of findings and capacity building activities carried out since 2018;
  • Discussing the water accounting approach and its impact on improving water governance at the national, regional and local levels;
  • Sharing of experiences and knowledge by presentation of case studies and projects
  • Paving the way for more global cooperation for the establishment of a water accounting protocol;
  • Stimulating the discussion among participants that could lead to creation of a network/working groups in areas of common interest between NENA countries. 



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