Vous trouverez ci-dessous des vidéos multimédia produites par le projet WEPS.

Every Drop Counts - awareness raising video
Employees from the Ministry of Agriculture and from the Industrial Development and Research Agri-Center (IDRAC) of the Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture of Tripoli (CCIAT) participated in a training of facilitators on Farmer Field Schools (FFS). This training was developed within the framework of two FAO projects: “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in NENA countries”, directly under the Water Scarcity initiative and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), in addition to the “Productive Sectors Development Programme” (PSDP), funded by the Government of Canada.

Training on Farmer Field Schools (FFS) - a participatory informal educational approach - Lebanon
Employees from the Ministry of Agriculture and from the Industrial Development and Research Agri-Center (IDRAC) of the Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture of Tripoli (CCIAT) participated in a training of facilitators on Farmer Field Schools (FFS). This training was developed within the framework of two FAO projects: “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in NENA countries”, directly under the Water Scarcity initiative and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), in addition to the “Productive Sectors Development Programme” (PSDP), funded by the Government of Canada.

Rapid Water Accounting in Qazvin Irrigation Network in Iran
To enhance water efficiency and productivity, FAO is promoting water accounting in the NENA region, including Iran. FAO is assisting Iran in conducting its first cycle or Rapid Water Accounting activities. In Iran, Qazvin irrigation network is selected as the case study for this activity. The network covers 80,000 hectares of farmlands and hosts nearly 30,000 irrigators.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les principales vidéos multimédias produites par la FAO qui sont pertinentes pour les différents thèmes du projet..

Learn about water scarcity, what is it, where is it... it is not just about water physical presence...

Virtual Water (FAO Water Part 1)
Water is part of every production process. Whether we are biting into an apple or a hamburger, we are biting into something that has used water for its growth. The amount of water needed depends on climate and agricultural practice.

Virtual water (FAO Water part 2)
Water is part of every production process. Whether we are biting into an apple or a hamburger, we are biting into something that has used water for its growth. The amount of water needed depends on climate and agricultural practice.

Virtual water (FAO Water part 3)
Water is part of every production process. Whether we are biting into an apple or a hamburger, we are biting into something that has used water for its growth. The amount of water needed depends on climate and agricultural practice.

A large quantity of water is needed to produce the food we ear every day. More water than most think. This video shows the relationship between food production and water use and some quick facts about water.

Water: Source of Food Security
How water scarcity in Niger is affecting the annual harvest, and how FAO is helping to channel water in from nearby villages to help irrigate the crops.

Water Cycle (part1): Surface Water and Groundwater
Every time humans interact with the water cycle there is a consequence. When large quantity of water are diverted or taken out from the natural system, this affects the local water supply, which, in the long run, affects the ecosystem, plants, animals and the local communities.

Wastewater can act as an alternative to fertilizers
Treated wastewater provides valuable nutrients to plants and crops, reducing the need for fertilizers.

SDG 6 – Indicators of water use efficiency and water stress
An overview of SDG indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2, measuring water use efficiency and water stress.

More food means more water to grow it...We need creative solutions.
Water scarcity hits 40% of the global population.

Morocco’s solution to water scarcity
Water is getting scarce. Agriculture is the number one user of water worldwide. If dry areas of the world aren't careful, their agriculture will soon be in big trouble. Morocco is a good example of a country that has woken up to its water problems.