Efficacité, productivité et durabilité de l'eau dans la région NENA

Water-Food-Energy Nexus webinars

The term ‘nexus’ has been used in a variety of contexts with the aim of advancing the understanding of how sectors are inter-linked, how sector policies impact each other and, in turn, to inform coherent cross-sectoral governance. When resources become scarcer and demand for them increases, developing and implementing sectoral plans independently, without accounting for physical constraints and trade-offs and impacts across sectors, society becomes more vulnerable because spill-over effects across sectoral policies become more expensive and unsustainable. In other words, the interlinkage (or “nexus”) between sectors becomes stronger and this calls for coherent, responsible and consultative planning.

The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar series is being organized by FAO, in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH). The series introduces nexus concepts and gives examples of current efforts and best practices in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region and beyond. Through this series, participants will gain an understanding of the importance of nexus concepts and learn how to identify nexus challenges, as well as find appropriate nexus solutions to achieve sustainability, resilience, and water security.

This series is developed under the SIDA funded regional project, "Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/Productivity and Water Sustainability in NENA countries" (WEPS-NENA) under the FAO led regional Water Scarcity Initiative (WSI).

This webinar series introduces nexus concepts and gives examples of work in the NENA region and beyond of current efforts and best practices to manage the Nexus. The goal is for participants to gain an understanding of the importance of nexus concepts, how to identify nexus challenges as well as find appropriate nexus solutions to achieve sustainability, resilience and water security.

Please join the NEXUS Dgroup, to be able to follow the next sessions and find the recordings of the previous sessions.

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