Efficacité, productivité et durabilité de l'eau dans la région NENA

Rainwater harvesting webinar series - Module 3

Mapping the potential of RWH

About Module 3:

There are two webinars available for discussing the potential of rainwater harvesting. The first webinar “Technical and socio-ecological tools and approaches for RWH mapping and upscaling” and the second webinar “Exploring the potential for rainwater harvesting” will assess the potential of RWH practices by examining the different approaches for mapping and upscaling suitable sites for RWH systems, through the utilization of land and water suitability frameworks, remote sensing tools and socio-ecological variables.

Expected outcomes for the participants

Participants will achieve the following outcomes:

-       Understand the main approaches and tools available for mapping and upscaling the potential for rainwater harvesting;

-       Get an overview of practical applications of rainwater harvesting mapping tools in the MENA region and Western Africa.

Sessions in Module 3 and registration links:


Date and Time



Session 1: Technical and Socio-Ecological Tools and Approaches for Rainwater Harvesting Mapping and Upscaling

27 June 2022

1 PM – 2:30 PM GMT+2

Domitille Vallée, Project Manager, FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa

Feras Ziadat, Land and Water Officer, FAO Rome

Luigi Piemontese, Researcher, University of Florence

For registration, please click here.

Session 2: Mapping the Rainwater Harvesting Potential in the MENA Region

12 July 2022

1 PM – 2:30 PM GMT+2

Pasquale Steduto, Senior Water Resources Management Expert, FAO

Ajit Govind, Senior Scientist, ICARDA Egypt

Anne van der Heijden and Jeanne Bazin, Acacia Water

For registration, please click here. 

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