Nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity

Baseline results from nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity project disseminated at Stockholm World Water Week 2022


During this hybrid session, insights from the implementation of the nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity (NsAWP) project in Benin, Mozambique, and Niger were shared with stakeholders. Prof. Jennie Barron from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences moderated the session. Deputy Director of FAO’s Land and Water Division (NSL), Sasha Koo-Oshima, provided the opening remarks and outlined the need for agricultural transformation to achieve food and nutrition security in the context of climate change. Thereafter, Paulo Dias, Project Manager in FAO’s NSL, presented findings from the baseline survey in Benin, Mozambique, and Niger, highlighting the high prevalence of food insecurity and low dietary diversity in the target sites. Roda Nuvunga, Director of the Water Research Institute of Mozambique, shared country-specific insights about strategies for coordinating actions between the water, agriculture, and nutrition sectors to support achievement of the 2030 Development Agenda. Claudia Ringler, Deputy Program Direct at the International Food Policy Research Institute, outlined the contribution research has made in accelerating progress toward the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


The session concluded with a moderated discussion among panelists. Online and in-person participants also asked questions about how the project is being implemented and its applicability to other regions. Attendees left with a greater understanding of the NsAWP project, anticipated outcomes, and potential for collaboration.