Dissemination workshop in Niger
FAO, in partnership with IFAD and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Niger, held a dissemination workshop on 5th July 2022. The objectives of the workshop were to (i) share findings from the baseline survey conducted in the Diffa region and (ii) present the nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity (NsAWP) training manual.
The workshop brought together 20 experts and key stakeholders working in the fields of water, agriculture, food, and nutrition security in Niger. Workshop attendees included individuals from partner institutions such as IFAD, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), World Food Programme (WFP), agricultural consulting firms and non-governmental organizations. In addition to technical presentations about the baseline study and NsAWP training modules, there were also interactive discussions that provided valuable contextual information to support the implementation of the project in Niger.